
发布 2022-11-12 05:55:28 阅读 1997


writing part (40分)



)1.—who is that womana. mother

she is myb. father

)2.—who is that mana. grandmother

he is

)3.—who is that

—he is

)4..—who is that

—he is

)5.—what do you dogs

—i )6.—let’ books

—greatb watch tv

四、把a栏与b栏中的相应的问、答语连线。 (8 )

ab1. what’s your namea. it’s an apple

2. what’s thisb. my name is amy.

3. nice to meet youc. fine,thank you.

4. how are youd. nice to meet you ,too.

5. where are you frome. good morning,mr black.

6. good morning boys and girls. f. i’m from america

7. what colour is itg. it’s blue.

youh. goodbye!



a good moring. b. good evening. c. good afternoon.


country are you? are you from?

are you come?


is amy. is amy. amy.


a. hi,i’m bai ling. b. hi,this is bai ling.

c. am i bai ling.

)5. 别人跟你说“i'm sorry.”你应该回答。

a. come in. b. oh, noc. it's ok.


1. small letter e.

2. big letter d.

3. small letter b.

4. big letter a.

5. big letter c.


1. d d d, make a “d

2. look, this is a cat.

3. how many pencils? three.

4. draw a girl, a girl please.

5.a b c d e come and follow me


1、i`m from canada.

2、fly a kite.

3、a. b .c look and see.

4、f f f. draw a fish

5、i can see h i g h .


1、i·m wu yifan. i`m from china

2、this is my friend mike.

3、good morning boys and girls.

4、i can see 16 kites.

五 、听音,给下列句子标上正确的序号。

1、 who`s that man?

2、 she`s my sister.

3、 who`s this girl?

4、 i`m from canada.

5、 where are you from?

6、 this is my friend , tutu.


1、 brother 2、 goodbye 3、father 4,apple 5,coffee

6, woman 7, teacher, 8,friend

答案。一,e d b a c



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