
发布 2022-11-12 03:50:28 阅读 7507



一. 判断下列字母的小写是否相符,正确的写 “√不正确的打“×”10分)

1. bd( )2. dd ( 3. ee( )4. gg( )5. li( )

)7. yy( )8. uv( )9. hh( )10. qo( )


1、crayon t h c r a y o n p q

2、purple s u p u r p l e f y a

3、water e f g w r w a t e r

4、eight s e i g h t f o r u

5、eatt l e a t b j k i t e


)1、a、fish b、pen c、crayon

)2、a、monkey b、red c、bear

)3、a、seven b、milk c、eight

)4、a、bread b、milk c、leg

)5、a、 brown b、white c、bear

)6、a、elephant b、rice c、tiger

)7、a、leg b、body c、four

)8、a、yellow b、black c、crayon

)9、a、face b、nine c、six

)10、a、cat b、pig c、water

四. 单项选择。

)1.--can i h**e some milk

a. you’re welcomeb. sure, here you are.

)2.--how are you, miss white

a. how are fine, thank you.

)3.--how old are you

a. how old are youb. i’m ten.

)4.--how many books

a. thanksb. seven.

)5.—happy birthday to you

a. thank you. b. happy birthday.


) 1. how are you? a. my name is chen jie.

) many plates? b. me too!

) 3. what's your name? c. five.

) 4. happy birthday! d. very well.

) 5. i h**e a bag. e. thank you.


a栏b栏。 ) 1、can i h**e some bread ,pleasea、nine .

) 2、how old are youb、thank you !

) 3、how many monkeysc、it’s a panda .

) 4、what’s thisd、i’m nine .

) 5、here you aree、sure, here you are.


)1.当你把你爸爸介绍给miss wu时,你应说: _

a. this is miss wu. b.miss wu, this is my dad.

) 2.我国国旗的颜色有。

a. red and white b. red and yellow

) 3.别人赞扬你的东西很漂亮时,你应该说: 。

a.thank youb. yes

) 4. 怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名。

a、hello ! b、what’s your name ?

) 5.当你向别人提议“我们上学去吧!”时,应该说。

a. let’s go to school. b. welcome to school.

( )6.当别人过生日时,你祝贺别人,应说。

a. happy birthday! b. how old are you?

) 7.当你想知道别人有几岁时,应问。

a.how old are you? b.how are you?

( )8.你有5岁,应说。

a.i’m five years old. b.i’m four years old.

) 9. mike: can i h**e some milk? chen jie

a. thank youb. sure, here you are.


a. i’m sam. b、how are you ? c、hi!


) you're welcome.

) ok. here you are.

) h**e some juice!

) thank you.

) no, thanks. i like milk.


1、happy birthday

2、thank you

3、how old are you

4、how many plates

5、good afternoon


1. meet to nice you (.

2. mike name’s my (.

3. i can please , some h**e cake ?

4. is wuyifan this (.

5. how you old are (?


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