
发布 2022-10-21 18:48:28 阅读 9982




the bookstorethe cinema.

2. 我们课室在二楼。

our classroom


thank youyour


five minutes,then

5. peter 怎么样去图书馆。

how peter





10将来我要成为一名医生。 i want to __aone day.


she is sittingthe desk.

12.你可以步行到公共汽车站, 然后坐12 号车去到那里。

you canthe bus stop , then you canto go there.


hegoes to work


they are twins, they


it’ s near the


1.this , what , sunday , going , to ,are , do , you , for , walk , ten , minutes , the ,to , library

3. bus stop , start , behind , from , the , our, school

4. live, which, floor, you, do?

5. sister, your, you, should, look, after

三、 请读短文,根据内容回答问题。(10分)


on saturday, we usually go and visit my grandparents. sometimes we go hiking. in the evening, my parents watch tv, and i play computer games.

on sunday morning, i do my homework and play the piano. my parents do housewok together. in the afternoon, my fater and i often play sports.

usually my father plays tennis with my friends. my mother uaually goes shopping. sometimes she plays badminton with my father and me.

we uaually h**e dinner out on sunday.

on sunday evening, we all go to bed early, so that we can get up early on monday morning.


)1. when do we uaually go visit my grandparents.

a. on sunday b. on saturday c. on friday

) 2. what do i do on sunday morning?

a. do my homework b. play the piano c. both a and b

) 3. who often play sports in the afternoon?

a. my father and i. mother and i.

father and my mother.

) 4. which sports do i play with my family?

a. football b. tennis

) 5. where do we h**e dinner on sunday ?

a. at home b. in a restaurant c. at grandparents’ home

第二篇。my birthday party

this sunday is my eleventh birthday. i am going to h**e a birthday party.

on sunday morning, i am going to the supermarket with my mum. we are

going to buy some food and drink. i am also going to buy some balloons and birthday hats. my friends are coming to my party in the afternoon.

my parents are going to make a birthday cake for me. when my friends all arrive, we are going to eat the birthday cake. my parents are going to give me a vcd as a birthday present.

it’s a vcd of me when i was three years old. i love it. i am going to play the vcd and watch it with my friends.

it will be great fun. after dinner, i’m going to the cinema with my friends.

i’m sure i’m going to h**e a nice day.


old am i now?

2. what is he going to do for his eleventh birthday?

3. where is he going this sunday morning?

4. who are coming to my birthday party?

5. what is he going to do after dinner?

四、 根据提示填空。(10分)

1. -what are you going to do this weekend?

- i’m going to v___my grandparents.

2. there are many mand news*****s in the school library.


c v v 2 v v d.2 v v v v 二 填空题。10 完成下列单位的换算 1 10m skm h 2 500cmm 3 7.2 km min m s 11 去年我国西南地区遭遇严重干旱,为减缓旱情某部空军出动飞机在云层中播撒干冰 固体二氧化碳 实施人工降雨,靠干冰的吸收大量的热,使水蒸气...


绵中英才小学部三年级数学第8周家校直通车。一 我的字最漂亮。请在田字格里抄写下面的话 我最喜欢上数学课。我最喜欢我们的数学老师。把这几个数字写在下面 二 我会填。时 分 1时15分 分 1分 秒 1分20秒 秒 3时 分 1时45分 分。60秒 分 120分 时 100分 时 分 182秒 分 秒 ...


2014.4.12 1 下列词语中加点字的读音无误的一项是。a 惊悸 j 炮 p o 烙遴选 l n 衮衮 n b 傩戏 nu 长锸 ch 间或 ji n 邈远 mi o c 锲而不舍 q 激湍 tu n 濡养 r 驰骋 ch n d 嗟悼 d o 虚诞 y n 暧昧 m i 赘肉 zhu 1解析 ...