练习一:单选:1-5 cccbc 6-10 bddbd 11-15caaac
完型:1-5cbbba 6-10cddba
阅读:caa, abc, dbdb
词汇:unimportant , reading , mine , useless, to take , airport, instead , solving, runners , straight
同义句:taller than , an called, because of , does mean, as well,短文填空: slim , square, eyesight , true , willing , humour, jokes , social , grows, future,
任务型阅读: fourth, pets, bedrooms, quiet, $220, 略。
练习二:单选:1-5 ccddc 6-10 bdcaa11-15
阅读:abbc, dabc
词汇:discussing, foggy, ,was mopping , carefully, useless, studying , loss, encourages, example, serious, continue, training, arrival, rest, hurry,
短文填空:killed, play, at, watching, laugh, up, how, because, if, free
任务型阅读:cloudy, four, yes, singapore, winter,, november, sam , called, ten , got
单选:1-5bddaa 6-10 ccbdc
完型:1-5cddcb 6-10dacda
阅读:cbda c/d
词汇:unhealthy, healthy, unfriendly, will interview, has gone , had , borrowed, sadly, just,married, present
翻译句子:changed into, h**en’t heard from , used to play, in some ways ,market stalls, both sides,短文填空:metal , instead, places, he**iest, with , come , them , follow,stick, prefer.
练习四:单选:1-5babba 6-10 ccddd
完型:1-5dacbc 6-10adacb
词汇:performancers, visitors, was dancing, will miss, saying , excited , delightful , whales , excitemnt, programme , magic
翻译句子:danced and , on their way , w**ed to , grateful to , me , with , celebrate their fifteen years marriage, really nice h**e a bird-eyes’ view of
任务型阅读:protecting, trees, put , babies, crowded, worse, enough, birth ,environment
短文填空:farming, is , poor, h**e, cut , away, around, high, easily, from
练习五:单选:1-5 ddbcd 6-10 cdcbd
完型:1-5cdbbc 6-10acaca/d
词汇:tell, was built, educational , tr**ellers, incorrectly, widely, knoeledge, created , online, mark
短文填空:interested, caalled , hospitals, zoo, ways, ill, medicine, heart, need, owners
任务型阅读: traffic, counting, seven, week, evening 作文略。
练习六:单选:1-5 dcdcd 6-10 dcbbc 11-15aabcc
完型:1-5cdacd 6-10acbdb
阅读:ddb , bac, cdad
词汇: are told, opening, organization, decision, excitedly, exits, especially, environment, hopeless, incorrectly,
句型转换: how long , what doing, because of, been abroad, weren’t told
翻译句子: used to , in use/service, agrees with, marked in ,been away
短文填空:wonderful , kinds, true, *****, wrote, back , words, death, what, able
任务型阅读:discuss , write, list, organized, result, arrive noon, we waited until five o’clock.
演出长达3个小时, next, excited, happy
单选:1-5bccdd 6-10 abcacd
完型:1-5bcadd 6-10cabdc
阅读:aacdb ,词汇:to look, am invited, excitedly, businesses, successfully, education, among, rest, introduce, cameras,翻译句子:
give out, any more, set up, instead of her, should be placed/put
任务型阅读:beijing, tree, losing, happy, returned,
短文填空:supported, raised, used, schools, furute, western, teachers, become, children, help
单选:1-5bbdcb 6-10 acdac
完型:1-5cabcc 6-10bdadb
阅读:dbdca ,词汇:running, buying , charities, medical, illness, grateful , patients, opertion, skills, international ,短文填空:
tr**els, with, operations, hospital, skills, grateful , patient, charity, treat, money
任务型阅读: agree, selfish, garden-knife, refused , 以牙还牙。
单选:1-5cabba 6-10 dacbc
完型:1-5 bc6-10ccd
阅读:cb词汇:disabled, experienced, known, homeless, to raise, chance, spirit, grouped, within , development
翻译句子:h**etakenplace, finishingrecorded, with tired body, impossible walking40-km, area flat flying
任务型阅读:rainbow school , funfair, a sponsored walkathon, 150,000 , flood victims
短文填空:foreign , about, themselves, because, years, different, chineses, receive, teach, but
单选:1-5cadba 6-10 bdbba 11-15 cb
完型:1-5 ba6-10dbccb
词汇: pleasant, lost, training, further, development, introduce, attention, aranged, international, operations,对话填空: success, nervous , orange, phone, chosen, busy, over, free, held, invited
任务型阅读:a 略, b riding, serious, money, lift , forgot
暑假语文2 语文积累 最喜欢的西游记人物。1.孙悟空 他博学强知,聪明机灵,所以才能学会72变 他善于观察事物,且明辨是非,三打白骨精能看出他伸张正义,能英勇铲除恶势力 对待师傅不用说,那更是忠心耿耿,忠贞不二 对待徒弟也是表现了他的友好与关爱。2.沙和尚 淳朴憨厚,忠心耿耿,他不象孙悟空那么叛逆,...
下面是由查字典语文网小编给同学们整理发布的初一语文暑假乐园答案,答案仅供参考,希望能够帮助到同学们,祝大家暑假愉快。第一部分 1 6题,25分 1.下面加着重号词语的字音和成语的字形完全正确的一项是 2分 a.皎洁 ji o 抽搐 ch 浩浩荡荡忧心重重b.狂澜 l n 沮丧 j 相得益张家喻户晓c...
一选择题1 10 cdbdabdcca 二填空题11.0.3 且xne 9 13 m 16.4y 18 17.3 18.相等 19.1 20.三解答题21 1 xge 2 ale 3 m取一切数 4 xlt 0 22化简 1 156 2 5 6 24 xge 且xne 1 25.1 26.1 2 暑...