
发布 2022-09-10 00:57:28 阅读 1742





1-5 cadbb 6-10 cabba 11-15 cbcba 16-20 ababa

21-25 bdacc 26-30 dbaca 31-35 bcdad 36-40 acddb

41-45abdbc 46-50abaaa 51-55accdd




56. day 57. vegetables 58. never 59. nine/9 60. grades


61-65. eacfb


66. on saturday the 19th.

67. he has to babysit/look after his little sister.

68. because he has to finish his geography project.

69. she is going to h**e a guitar lesson.

70. only one.


71. differences 72. called 73. women 74. going 75. to walk 76. grows


77. does, h**e78. how far79. how long

80. shouldn’t, anything young 82. busy ******


a) 83. works 84. going/to go 85. went visit 87. to le**e 88. is staying

b) 89. by 90. subway 91. ride 93. where 94. boat


one possible version:

jim is my best friend. in some ways, we look the same. we are both tall.

we both like sports. and in some ways, we look different. jim is he**ier than me.

i’m more outgoing than him. i like playing soccer, but he likes swimming. my lifestyle is very healthy.

i drink milk every day, but jim never drinks milk. he likes eating junk food. i like eating fruit and vegetables.

so you see, i’m healthier than him.



一) 听对话, 根据所听内容,选出相应的**。对话读两遍。

1. m: hey, girl! what’s the matter with you?

w: i’m not feeling well. i h**e a fever.

2. m: how often do you drink milk?

w: my mother wants me to drink it every day.

3. m: how does john get to school?

w: he takes the subway.

4. m: what are you doing for vacation?

w: i am going to tibet for a week.

二) 听句子,根据所听内容,选择适当的答语。每个句子读两遍。

5. what do you usually do on weekends?

6. how often does your brother exercise?

7. what’s the matter with alan?

8. how do most students in japan get to school?

9. hi, simon, can you come to my birthday party?

10. what do you like about peter?


11. w: jim, what do you usually do after class?

m: i often go skateboarding with my friends and sometimes surf the internet. what about you, sarah?

w: oh, i often spend time with friends.

question: what does the girl often do after class?

12. m: you went to the concert yesterday. did you enjoy the music?

w: oh, no, not really.

question: how did the girl like the music?

13. w: you don’t look well, bob.

m: i am really tired. my brother had the party for 6 hours till 2 o’clock.

so i slept for only 5 hours last night.

question: how many hours did bob sleep last night?

14. m: ann, can you go to the movies with me this saturday?

w: sorry, i can’t. my parents are going shopping.

so i h**e to babysit my sister at home.

question: why can’t ann go to the movies this saturday?

15. w: how does your father get to work, john?

m: oh, he rides his bike to the bus station for about 10 minutes. then the bus takes him to work and the bus ride takes about 30 minutes.

question: how long does it take john’s father to get to work?


听力材料见教材p29 3a )


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