
发布 2022-08-19 18:07:28 阅读 6650


text ( unit 1 lesson 1---8 )

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三.短语。1. 回来。

2. 照相。

3. 做眼保健操。

4. 写下。

5. 起床。

6. 弹钢琴。

7. 准备好做某事。

8. 想出。

9. 看起来像。

10. 不再。

11. 另一个问题。

12. 去散步。

13. 一年到头。

14. 做什么事有意思。

15. 由……制成。

16. 一些困难的事情。

17. 一双运动鞋别紧张。

18. 和某人结婚。

四.句子。1. sweaterswool. 毛衣是羊毛做的。

2your runners? 你把运动鞋怎么了?

3. woolsheep. 羊毛来自羊身上。

4. we h**e different我们有不同的喜好和厌恶的东西。

5. irain我也不喜欢下雨。

6. youa red coat. 你穿着一件红外衣。

7. the studentsat the moment. 同学们此时正在上课。

8. she has invited menext sunday. 她邀请我下周去看电影。


mr. brown got up late this morning. he was going to be late for work.

it was raining hard and the streets were wet. he drove so fast that he didn’t see the red lights. he couldn't stop his car and hit a car.

and old man got out of the car and called out angrily, ”what are you doing? how can you drive so fast?”

1“ i am sorry, sir, ”said mr. brown. ”i didn’t see the lights turn red.

” then he brought out a bottle of wine and g**e it to the old man.

it’s cold today, sir,” said mr. brown. “please drink a little, and then you will get warm.”

the old man drink some wine and became happy. he asked, “i’m feeling much better now. why don’t you drink any?

”i can’t drink anything now, sir, ”answered mr.. brown “i’m waiting for the policeman. only drunkards cause accidents, you know!

”did the story happen?

did mr. brown drive so fast?

brown hit the cars because of

did mr. brown give a bottle of wine to the old man?

can know thatat last.

a. mr. brown was not late for work

b. the old man and mr. brown become good friends

c. mr. brown drank some wine

d. mr. brown fooled the old man



八年级语文 下 第一单元检测题。本试卷分卷 和卷 两部分。满分为100分,考试时间为120分钟。第 卷。一 共16分,每小题2分 1.下列句中加点字的注音,完全正确的一项是 a.削弱 xu 蹒 p n 跚吓 xi 唬唾 chu 手可得 b.轻蔑 mi 讪 sh n 笑宿 s 营懵 m ng 懵懂懂。...


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