
发布 2022-08-18 04:55:28 阅读 9071





) 1. a. blackb. backc. bag

) 2. a. coatb. coldc. cool

) 3. a. lakeb. let’sc. like

) 4. a. mondayb. monkeyc. maths

) 5. a. partyb. parkc. pass


) 1. look at the elephants. they’re big.

) 2. amy walks to work on saturdays.

) 3. it’s cool in autumn.

) 4. we go skating in winter.

) 5. it’s cold, but it’s raining.


) a. daming likes morning exercises.

) b. mr smart goes to work by car.

) c. the box is under the desk.

) d. i’ve got an orange sweater.

) e. we h**e english and maths in the morning.


) 1. a. it’s a monkeyb. they’re monkeyc. no, it isn’t.

) 2. a. she has music. b. i h**e pec. he has art.

) 3. a. no, she hasn’t. b. no, she doesn’tc. no, she does.

) 4. a. no, i don’tb. no, i’m notc. yes, i am.

) 5. a. i h**e chinese. b. yes, she isc. yes, she does.

笔试部分。共四题, 计30分)



)1. i like apple. i __like oranges.

a. won’tb. don’tc. can’t

)2. my f**ourite colour is .

a. redb. bookc. a blue kite

)3. it’s elephant.

a. the

)4. -what are they

a. it’s a kiteb. they is kitesc. they are kites

)5. what lingling h**e at school?

a. dob. doesc. is

)6. she goes to work car.

a. onb. inc. by

)7. here’s a present you.

a. forb. toc. of

)8. i like

a. swimb. swimmingc. swims

)9. it's warm today, _it's raining.

a. andb. butc. too

)10. —h** e you got a book?

yesa. he doesb. i don'tc. i h**e


1. bike, i, riding, like, don’t, my (

2. does, go to school, ,tom, on mondays (

3. what, do, on sundays, you, do (

4. summer, go, in, swimming, we (

5. today, it’s, hot, sunny, and (


ab ) 1. where’s the cata. he has music.

) 2. pass me the rice, pleaseb. it’s under the tree.

) 3. who’s thatc. no, he isn’t.

) 4. what does he h**e in the afternoond. it’s tom.

) 5. is sam at homee. here you are.



hi, my name is sam. i am a boy. i am ten.

i don’t go to school on saturdays. my mother doesn’t go to work on saturdays. she likes going shopping.

i like meat, i don’t like apples. my f**ourite colour is green.

) 1. sam is ten.

) 2. sam doesn’t go to school on mondays.

) 3. his mother likes playing football.

) 4. sam likes apples.

) 5. his f**ourite colour is green.


牛津上海版 深圳用 小学英语三年级下册期末复习试卷 3 一 根据 写出正确的单词。grapes are 2.how is it?it s 3.what s this?it s an mouth is 5.what s this?it s二 选出各组单词中不属于同一类的单词。1选出下列各组单词中不属于...


一 单选题。选出正确的答案填在括号里10分 1 wh n a e b o c a d i 2 week nd a o b e c i d a 3 spr ng a e b o c i d a 4 s nny a e b i c a d u pep小学五年级下册期末英语试题pep小学五年级下册期末英语...


三年级下学期小学文化素质测试。英语期末测评。分值 100 时间 40分钟 一。二。三。四。五。六。七。八。九。十卷面10总 同学们,准备好了吗?我们先来做听力部分吧!听力部分 60 一 听录音,选出你听到的字母 16 abababab a b a b a ba b 二 听录音,选出你听到的单词 10...