
发布 2022-08-15 19:22:28 阅读 3606



英语试题 命题人:罗兴平审核:罗兴平打印:罗兴平校对:罗兴平



第i卷 (100分)


第一节:情景反应 (每小题1分,共6分)


1. a. musicb. sunny. c. swimming.

2. a. he’s behind the door. b. no, it isn’t. c. it’s across from the station.

3. a. a teacherb. in a factory. c. mr. white.

4. a. thank youb. it’s a pleasure. c. it doesn’t matter.

5. a. h**e a good timeb. i’m happyc. i’d love to.

6. a. that’s all right. b. good luck. c. good idea.



7. a. by airb. by busc. by train.

8. a. watching moviesb. talking on the phone. c. taking a bus.

9. a. 8 amb. 7 amc. 8:30 am.

10. a. on the deskb. under the bedc. on my bed.

11. a. 14 yuanb. 21 yuanc.7 yuan.

12. a. no, he isn’tb. no, she isn’tc. yes, she is.



a 13. how did they go on the trip?

a. by trainb. by carc. by bus.

14. what was the weather like when they got to the hotel?

a. it was fineb. it was snowingc. it was raining.

15. who s**ed the boy in the river?

a. his teacherb. a policemanc. two girls.

16. when did they come back to their city?

a. on sunday evening. b. on sunday morning. c. on saturday evening.

b isyears old.

a. 25b. 16c. 17

makes some money by

a. helping his father

b. riding a bike with a picture on his back

c. talking with people

hasevery day for his part-time job.

a. different pictures b. the same picturec. a new picture

can see some information about __from the pictures on tom’s back.

a. tom’s school b. the shopsc. tom’s family

tries to make money to

a. help his family b. help the poorc. pay for his trip

.单项选择 (每小题1分。共20分)


22.--why don’t you take your lovely dog with you?

---it __for a long time. i feel lonely without him.

a . has been dead b. died c. is dyingd. was died

23..almost all the boys in our class are __playing football. they play it a lot after school.

a. interested atb. interesting in

c. interesting atd. interested in

24. the computer is still quite warm . it __be used by somebody just now.

a. must b. mustn’t c. need d. can’t

25. this story happened __the night of january twenty-first.

a. at in d. of

26. tom told me he had some problems __chinese. he wanted me to help him.

a. speakingb. talking c. telling d. saying

27. if you don’t move , you can sit at __side of the boat.

a. bothb. any c. all d. either

28. the glass __down to the floor. and it broke at once.

a. droppedb. put c. fell d. felt

29.--would you please remember to bring your project here tomorrow?

a. you are welcomeb. not at all.

c. all rightd. that’s right.

30. my friend jack wanted to improve his englishthe english videos.

a. by listeningb. by watching

c. through watching d. with listening to

31. jack __his new year’s resolution until it was late at night.

a. doesn’t makeb. makes

c. didn’t maked. began to make

32. -at last, i found my football in the lost and found box.

a. thanks a lotb. good idea.

c. i’m sorry to hear thatd. you are lucky.

33. -i am sorry i took your umbrellamistake.

---it doesn’t matter.

a. forb. asc. byd. of

34. his sister used to live with her grandpa in the countryside

a. did, sheb. did he c. didn’t she d. didn’t, he

35. much more attention __to our living condition now.

a. must be paid b. is paying c. pays d. was paid

36. please don’t tell it to others. it’s a secretyou and me.

a. betweenb. among c. withd. with

37. i really don’t know __i should do to improve my english.

a. whenb. howc. whyd. what

38. the milk in the bottle was __hot for the baby to drink.

a. veryb. morec. tood. much

39. -mom, where shall i put the meat?

---throw it away. it smells___


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