
发布 2022-08-15 18:38:28 阅读 3439

test of chapter1 7a

出题人:梅小莉审题人:李安萍燕山学校 october2010

试卷总分:100(试题97分,卷面3分) 得分。

听力部分 (25%)

i. 听录音,从a、b、c选项中选出你所听到的句子。每小题念两遍。

1. a. i h**e three things with me.

b. i want to take three things with me.

c. i want to keep three things with me.

2. a. this is a shopping list.

b. it is a shopping list.

c. that is a shopping list.

3. a. there is much water in that bottle.

b. there is little water in that bottle.

c. there isn’t much water in that bottle.

4. a. did you win a free trip to disneyland?

b. do you want to win a free trip to disneyland?

c. do you want to h**e a free trip to disneyland?

. 听录音,在a、b、c选项中选出你所听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。每小题念两遍。

5. a. i sold that coat for 120 yuan.

b. i paid 120 yuan for that coat.

c. i lost 120 yuan for that coat.

6. a. that hill is more than 20 meters in height.

b. that hill is nearly 20 meters in height.

c. the height of the hill is 20 meters.

7. a. who will take care of my pet dogs?

b. who will look at my pet dogs?

c. who will take away my pet dogs?

8. a. english words come from different parts.

b. english words contain different parts.

c. english words consist of different parts.

. 听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。每小题念两遍。

9. a. yes, she is.

b. yes, this isn’t.

c. those are my brothers.

yes, this is.

b. no, this isn’t.

c. no, he isn’t.

yes, there are.

b. yes, there is.

c. no, there wasn’t.

12. a. yes, they are.

b. please tell me.

c. yes, they do.

. 听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话念两遍。

13. is that a japanese bus?

a. it’s an english bus.

b. yes, it is.

c. no, it isn’t.

14. is this a pencil?

a. yes, it is.

b. no, it isn’t.

c. it’s a pencil.

15. what would lily like to h**e?

a. a glass of milk.

b. a cup of tea.

c. a cup of coffee.

16. who would like some tomatoes?

a. daniel. b. millie. c. sandy.

. 听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。

17. what’s andy’s f**orite fruit?

a. apples. b. bananas. c. pears.

18. what does andy often h**e for lunch?

a. an egg, some bread and a carton of milk.

b. some fish and vegetables.

c. soup and vegetables.

19. what does andy do after school?

a. do his homework.

b. play football.

c. watch tv.

20. what does andy do at eight o’clock every evening?

a. h**e supper.

b. do his homework.

c. watch tv.

. 听短文,做笔记。短文念两遍。


. 看音标写单词。(每小题1分,共10分)


36. your name and address are in ‘pen friends’ m___

37. my f __hobby is playing chess.

friend o___a chinese restaurant.

are 5 p___in my family.

4 i am 163 cm t___


) 41. _you like to be my pen friend?

a. willb. wouldc..

) 42. my mother is keen __cooking and my father enjoys __

a. on; sleepingb. on; sleep

c. in; sleepingd. in; slept

) 43. the restaurant belongs tothat is to sayown the restaurant

a. they; theyb. them; they c them; them d. they; them

) 44. my brother works __a computer teacher. she likes working __the computer.

a. on; asb. as; asc on; ond. as on

) elder brother is __architect and he is __university student.

a. a; anb. an; anc an; ad an; an

) can __japanese, but they can not write it __

a. speak; well b. speak; good c say; well d say ;good

) isand she likes to make __with everyone.

a. friend; friendlyb. friendly; friendly

c. friend; friendsd. friendly; friends

) 48is your brother doing?

he __some stamps.

is collect

is collecting

) 49it was raining very he**ily, _we couldn’t go to school.


甘肃农业大学研究生试卷首页 考试课用 课程名称 农业传播技术与应用考试时间 2010年12月31日共1页学生姓名考核方式。笔试。学位名称 学科 专业 是否学位课。是。总。题号一二三四五。计。得分阅卷人。试题。一 名词解释 本题共20分,共5小题,每小题4分 1 自我表露2 非言语沟通3 农业传播受众...


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