
发布 2022-08-14 06:05:28 阅读 7755

七年级英语 “周周清”检测题(第14周,出题人:杜文华)


毛衣)is 80 yuan. much are the裤子)?

socks are two美元). 需要)a pair of shorts.

and buy our clothes at our great**销售).


h**e pens, pencils and notebooksvery good prices.

2girls, we h**e red skirts for only 28 yuan.

dollars __one pair and three dollars __two pairs.

much is this pairsports shoes?

blue sweater is small for you. howthis red one?


t-shirt is ¥20.(改为复数句)

likes white.(对画线部分提问)

does she like?

blue pants are 98 yuan.(对画线部分提问)

are the blue pants?

need a bag for sports.(用he作主语改写句子)

he __a bag for sports.

i help you?(改为同义句)

___can i __for you?


welcome to puppy’s home. we 1 food and clothes for dogs. the dog food is good and 2 ,and it’s not expensive.

it it only twenty 3 for a bag. we are 4 your dog loves it. for clothes, we h**e t-shirts, sweaters, shorts and 5 .

they are all very cute. and there are clothes on 6 every weekend. please bring your 7 here and buy some.

do you 8 shoes for your dog? we h**e shoes too. we sell them 9 very good prices.

they are eight dollars for one pair, and fifteen dollars for two 10 . come to our store now!





4. 一双2美元,两双3美元。

5. 给我拿两双。


7. 我们有红色和黑色的裙子,只卖60元。

8. 两条裤子只卖50美元。


10. 它们看上去很好看。它们多少钱。


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