
发布 2022-08-06 03:45:28 阅读 1953




注意及物动词和不及物动词的用法,五种形式的拼写及运用,短暂性动词和延续性动词的相互转化,a 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. wang wei __learn) english bymemorize) the words of pop songs.

2. rosewrite) down all her math problems and asked the teacher for help.

3. let’sh**e) a talk about our sports meeting.

4. the weathereffect) the rice crops deeply.

5. dick has been used toget ) to school on foot himself.

6. the bookname ) harry potter is very popular with the teens.

7. look! the children areclimb) up the high wall. it is too dangerous!

8. sheenjoychat ) with her friends at weekends.

b 判断句子正误,并改正。

1. the man you talked about has died for several years

2. i h**e bought the coat several years ago .but i still love wearing it

3. he joined the league since 1998

4. my brother finished his homework for fifteen minutes already, i don’t know where

he is now

5. how long can i borrow the book? is a week ok

6. he got married to a nice girl two months ago. they live happily

7. her father went to xi’an on business for about two weeks, she misses him a lot

二. 系动词。

常见的 “状态变化系动词 + adj.”构成的短语。

1)get married to (2)fall ill / asleep (3)go bad /mad

4) turn white/ red (5) keep silent/quiet (6) last long

7) stay healthy/ happy (8) remain silent/here

9) grow older/bigger (10) become angry


1. her facered suddenly, because sheusually shy.

2. in order tohealthy, you’d better eat more green vegetables from now on..

3. i believe my dreamtrue if i work hard for it.

4. itthat mr. wang was very annoyed at that time.

5. the flowerssweet and nice as they

6. your sweatersoft. where did you get it?

7. the sweetsso sweet. i don’t like them.

8. thatlike a good idea. let’s go for it right now!


1. my penwrite) well, i’ll keep it for long carefully.

2. this kind of clothwash) easily.

3. the books written by hemingwaysold) very well at that times.



(1) “必须,应该”, 否定式 mustn’t 表示“ 不可以,禁止”

2)在疑问句中表示询问对方的意见,肯定回答“yes, 主语+must. ”否定回答用“no, 主语+ needn’t.” 或”no, 主语+don’t (doesn’t) h**e to.


(3) 表示有把握的判定或推测。“一定……”只用在肯定句中。否定句中用can’t. 但can’t 也可表示“不能……”

4)□“must / may(might0 / can (could) h**e done”表示对过去事情的肯定推测。

“must be doing” 表示对此时此刻发生事情的肯定推测。

“should h**e done”表示本应该做某事,而事实上没做。否定句表示本不该做而事实上做了。

need 既是实义动词,又是情态动词。作为实义动词可用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句。主语为人时用“主语 need(s) sth.

”、主语 need(s) to do sth.”主语为物时,用“need doing”表被动。如“my bike doesn’t work well, it needs repairing.

”had better

相当于助动词,只有一种形式,后跟动原,表示“最好……”否定式为“had better not +动原”


1. yougo if you like.

2. nobody is sure whathappen in the future.

3. yoube tired after a day’s hard work. go and h**e a good rest.

4you post the letter for me?

5.—must we stay here longer? —no, you

6. the ground is all wet. ith**e rained last night.

7you go swimming with us this afternoon?

8. four hundred dollars for a pair of shoes. yoube joking!

9. —how is your friend coming? —i’m not sure. hedrive here.

10. the boy __h**e finished his homework on time, and his parents didn’t punished him, i think.


1. bebeing


1your brotherwrite) a letter to your parents last night?

—no, hehe will do it today.

2. as soon as hecome), we’ll start.

to bed until ifinish) homework last night.

英语中考复习教案专题五 情态动词

学习过程。一 复习预习。复习上节内容,画助动词 实义动词的时态特点图,词性和句子成分对应图。二 知识讲解。考点1 情态动词特点与分类。1 情态动词 情态动词具有有一定的词义,没有人称和数的变化,不能单独作谓语,必须和谓语动词连用才能构成谓语,给谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人的态度 看法 语气 愿望...

中考英语专题复习32动词应用 一 教案

新学期新成绩新目标新方向。32动词应用 一 教学目标 教会学生应对动词应用题中的在句子中填写适当的动词形式这一题型,进一步巩固动词的语态 非谓语动词的用法和其他习惯用语 句型等。教学重点难点 句子中填写动词的适当形式主要是测试考生对动词的时态 动词的语态 非谓语动词的用法和其他方面的掌握情况。谓语动...


一 情态动词的类型。1.只作情态动词的有 must can could may might 2.可作情态动词也可作实义动词的有 need 3.可作情态动词也可作助动词的有 will would shall should 4.具有情态动词的某些特征的有 h e to ought to 二 情态动词的特...