九年级6 10短语

发布 2022-08-02 11:25:28 阅读 4694

unit 6

1expect to do sth 期望干···2 be important to对···重要。

3remind...of...使某人想起···4 come and go来来往往。

5 be sure to do sth 务比干;一定干6 can’t stand

7 look for 寻找 8 feel sick感到恶心;不舒服。

9 be luck to do 幸运的是···10 stay heathy 保持健康。

11 h**e a great time 玩的高兴;过得愉快 12 be in agreement

13 stay away from 与···保持距离14 be bad for 对···有害。

15 get together 聚在一起 16 go on vacation 度假;休假。

17 prefer...to...比起···更喜欢18 over the years多年来。

19 different kinds of music 各种不同的**20 on display展览。

21 quiet and gentle songs轻柔的歌曲22 yellow river黄河。

23 hong tao’s latest movie洪涛最新的电影24 french fries薯条25 to be honest 说实话。

unit71trek through the jungle徒步穿越丛林 2be supposed to do sth 应该干3pack light clothes 带薄衣服 4take a trip去旅行。

5be away离开;远离 6 provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb为某人提供某物 7 dream of 梦想;幻想。

8 be willing to乐意(做某事)9achieve one’s dream实现梦想。

7sail across the pacific横渡太平洋 10 hold on to继续;坚持;

11 take it easy 别紧张 12 according to根据;按照。

13 in general 一般而言;通常 14 some day有朝一日。

15 eiffel tower 埃菲尔铁塔 16one of the liveliest cities最有活力的城市之一17the answer to the question 问题的答案 18 less realistic dream不现实的梦想。

19niagara falls尼亚加拉大瀑布20thousands of数以千计的;许许多多。

21 notre dame cathedral 巴黎圣母院 22as soon as possible尽快地23 quite a few相当多;不少。

unit81clean up 把。打扫干净 2 come up with=think up提出,想出。

3 give out=hand out分发,发放 4 put off 推迟,拖延。

5 cheer up=make...happier使。高兴,使。振作

6write down 写下记下7 put up 张贴,搭建8 call up打**9 set up=establish建立。

10 be home to sb 是某人的家园

11 volunteer one's time to do sth 自愿花时间干。

12 put...to use 把。投入使用 13 plan to do sth 计划干某事。

14 coach a soccer team for kids训练少年足球队。

15start a chinese history club 开办一个中国历史俱乐部。

16 take after=like like 与。想像。

17 be similar to 与。相似 18 run out of 用光。

19 fix up 修理,修补 20 give away 捐赠。

21 ask for 要求,请求 22 hang out 闲逛。

23 fill...with 用。填充。

24 at once=right away=in a minute 立刻,马上。

25 help sb out 帮某人解决困难 26 elementary school小学。

27 disabled people 残疾人 28 part of speech词性词类。

30 work out 产生结果,发展,成功。

unit 9

1 be used for用来做 2 be invented by由某人发明。

3 fall into落入,陷入 4 knock into与。相撞。

5 fall down倒下,摔倒 6 divide...into...把。分成。

7 by mistake错误的8 in the end最终,最后。

9 by accident偶然地,意外地 10 in this way这样

11 flying disk飞碟12 according to根据,按照。

13 not ..until...直到。才。14 light bulb电灯泡。

15 microw**e oven微波炉。

unit 10

1get outside 到外边 2get to school到学校。

3 get up起床4 go into the bathroom去卫生间。

5get home 到家6 start doing /to do sth开始做某事。

7 be late for 迟到8 go off发出响声。

9 wake up醒来10 come out显出,出现。

11run off 迅速离开,跑掉 12come by经过。

13 give sb a ride 让某人搭车 14 break down停止运转出故障。

15 show up出席,露面 16 a piece of一片,一块

17 set off激起,引起 18 get married结婚。

19 marry sb与某人结婚 20 get dressed 穿好衣服。

21 so...that...如此。以致。22 take a shower洗淋浴。

23 by the time 到。时候,到。之前 24 on time 准时。

25 on the first day在第一天 26apill fool's day愚人节。

27 a costume party一个化装的舞会 28sell out买完,售光。


选择题。1(2010·扬州中考—a new book on how to lose weight is __soon.

--really? i can’t wait to read it.

a. giving out b. coming out c. working out d. selling out

2(2010·通化中考)bill doesn’t like the sunglasses in the ad because they can’t __the sun well. a. take out b.

keep out c. clean out d. look out

3.(2010·湖州中考)if you see any litter on the school playground ,you’d better___

a. give it away b. pick it up c. turn it off d. put it on

4.(2010·山西中考)—the box is too he**y to carry. what’s in it?

—oh, it___books.

a. is filled with b. is used for c. is aimed at

5.(2010·荆州中考)—peter, what if your parents go out?

they ask me to __myself.

a.look after b.look up c.look for d.look through

6. (2010 .河北中考) mike his computer and checked his e-mail.

a. turned on b. turned off c. turned up d. turned down

7.(2010.娄底中考) —my spoken english is poor, what shall i do?

—join an english language club to practice,you’llit?

a. be good at b. drop in c. deal with

8.(2010.南京中考)—many students don’t know how to___stress and become worried.

--i think they’d better ask their teachers for help.


1 向老师求助。2.单词卡片。3.听磁带。4.为考试而学习。5.小组合作学习。6.和朋友用英语会话。7.大声读。8.提高我的口语技巧。9.英语口语。10.下周一。11.逐字地。12.慢慢来,不着急。13.如此。以至于。14.爱上。15.关键词。16.害怕做某事。17.的秘诀。18.查字典。19.做语...


九年级英语1 2单元短语。practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。1.ask sb.for help 向某人寻求帮助。2.be patient 耐心一点儿。3.improve one s speaking skills 提高说的能力。4.spoken english oral eng...


1 make mistake 犯错 出错。2 later on 以后 随后。3 it doesn t matter没关系。4 laugh at 嘲笑 取笑。5 take notes 作笔记 作记录。6 make up 编造 组成 拼凑成。7 deal with 处理 应付。8 be angry wi...