九年级1 5词汇

发布 2022-08-02 04:23:28 阅读 3793

unit 1

1.为…学习study for

2.通过制作抽认卡by ****** flashcards

3.通过老师寻求帮助by asking the teacher for help

4.练习某事/练习做某事practice doing

5.大声读reading aloud

6.做某事的最佳的办法the best way to do

7.记新单词memorize the new words

8.对某事感到兴奋get excited about sth.

9.结束end up

10.坚持做英语笔记keep an english notebook

11.看英语节目watch english-language tv

12.口语英语spoken english

13.犯错make mistakes

14.练习说英语practice speaking english

15.首先first of all

16.从…开始begin with

17.然后later on

18.没关系it doesn’t matter

19.害怕be afraid to

20.嘲笑laugh at

21.决定做某事decided to do

22.做语法笔记make grammar notes

23.查找look up

24.编造make up

25.对…生气be angry with

26.提高英语的最佳的办法the best way to improve english

27.摸起来软feels soft

28.处理deal with

29.通过学会忘记by learning to forget

30.将…视为regard as

31.改变change into

32.尽力做某事try one’s best to do

33.通过想更糟糕的事by thinking of something worse

34.过去go by

35.中断break off

36.把…比作…compare to

37.做…事某人的职责it is one’s duty to

unit21.过去常常used to

2.对…感兴趣be interested in

3.在游泳队on the swim team

4.在飞机上in an airplane

5.极度害怕某事be terrified of

6.入睡go to sleep

7.嚼口香糖chew gum

8.全天all day

9.与某人聊天chat with

10.几乎不hardly ever

11.想念过去的日子miss the old days

12.不再no longer

13.在最后的几年里in the last few years

14.日常生活daily life

15.担心worry about

16.制造麻烦cause trouble

17.尽可能地好as well as

18.与某人发生冲突get into trouble with

19.做一个艰难的决定make a difficult decision

20.校长head teacher

21.令某人惊奇to one’s surprise

22.即使even though

23.对…感到自豪take pride in

24.注意pay attention to

25.最后in the end

26.放弃give up

unit31.穿耳孔get one’s ears pierced

2.代替instead of

3.在上学日的晚上on school nights

4.熬夜stay up

5.被允许做某事be allowed to do

6.应该被允许做某事should be allowed to do

7.对某人严格be strict with

8.全神贯注于…concentrate on

9.目前at present

10.一个好的经历a good experience

11.前几天the other day

12.有一个做…的机会h**e an opportunity to do

13.8个小时的睡眠8 hours’ sleep

14.去剪头发cut one’s hair

15.不迟于10点by 10:00 pm

16.阻碍get in the way of

17.实现梦想achieve one’s dream=make one’s dream come true

18.想要做某事would like to do

19.敬老院old people’s home

20.关心care about

unit41.出版come out

2.意外地by accident

3.用…遮盖某物cover with

4.摔下楼梯fall downstairs

5.赶紧去做某事hurry to do

6.感觉有点痛feel some pain

7.停止做某事stop doing

8.瞒着某人隐藏某物hide from

9.同意去做某事agree to

10.向某人寻求建议ask sb. for advice

11.把它存在银行put it in the bank

12.一百万美元a million dollars

13.把它捐给医学研究give it to medical research

14.穿衬衫打领带wear a shirt and tie

15.仍然紧张still nervous

16.如果…将会怎样what if

17.别的每个人everyone else

18.说什么或做什么what to say or do

19.看起来友好look friendly

20.感觉那么害羞feel so shy

21.变得紧张get nervous

22.长痘痘get pimples

23.对这个问题有所帮助help with this problem

24.太…以至于不能…too to

25.好好散散步take a long walk

26.让我养一只let me h**e one

27.公开地in public

28.要求某人做某事ask sb. to do

29.做演讲give a speech/make speeches

30.全校the whole school

31.未经允许without permission

32.征得我的同意ask my permission

33.参加电影的拍摄be in a movie

34.与某人成为朋友be friends with

35.自我介绍introduce oneself

36.自我介绍某人introduce sb. to me

37.邀请某人去做某事invite … to do

38.一点也不not … in the slightest

39.很多的plenty of

40.某人的陪伴the company of

41.来找你come to you

42.相处get along with

43.而不是rather than

44.马上right away

45.整天all day

46.做某事紧张feel nervous doing

47.我们全市our whole city

48.代表班级represent the class

49.名列前茅comes top

50.令…失望或沮丧let down

51.提出come up with

unit51.属于belong to

2.最爱的作家f**orite author

3.在野餐上at the picnic

4.古典**classical music

5.上面有她的名字has her name on it

6.太小much too small

7.太长much too long

8.太多家作too much homework

9.太多钱too much money

10.摔了它drop it

11.在**会期间during the concert

12.组成make up

13.期末考试the final exam

14.试着去做try to do

15.因为because of

16.给…的礼物a present for

17.为锻炼而跑步running for exercise

18.在空中in the sky

19.一定在做梦must be dreaming

20.拍电影****** a movie

21.追赶公交车catch the bus

22.我们窗户外面outside our window=our of our window

23.报警call the police

24.隔壁邻居next door neighbor

25.一定有there must be

26.深夜的脚步声late-night footsteps

27.进入窗户get in the window

28.不再有秘密no more mystery

29.从…逃跑escaped from

30.一片纸张的海洋an ocean of *****

31.小心be careful of

32.上车get on

33.下车get off=get down

34.担心be worried about=worry about

35.更小的问题less of a problem

36.假装睡着pretend to be asleep

37.展示给我看show me

38.让我试试let me try

39.用完use up

40.全靠自己all alone

九年级11 15单元词汇

relief n.轻松 解脱。nod v.点头。agreement n.意见或看法 一致 同意。fault n.过失 缺点。disappoint v.使失望。bert 伯特 男名 holly 霍莉 女名 unit 12 unexpected adj.出乎意料的 始料不及的。by the time 在...


9b1.ancient 远古的modern 现代的。2.use v.使用 n.用途。used to do sth 过去常常做。be get used to doing 习惯做。be in use be in service 投入使用。useful有用的 useless没用的 reuse重新利用。a ...


9b1.ancient 远古的modern 现代的。2.use v.使用 n.用途。used to do sth 过去常常做。be get used to doing 习惯做。be in use be in service 投入使用。useful有用的 useless没用的 reuse重新利用。a ...