
发布 2022-07-29 06:17:28 阅读 2978


1. she likes to wear高跟鞋)

2. i want to a sof tomato and egg soupit’s my pto help you!

3. this machine靠电力驱动)

4. 我不喜欢这件衣服的款式。 i don’t likethis clothes.

5. the hope phelped many poor students to continue studying.

6. 拉链是什么时候发明的? when was theinvented?

7. we must doday) things well. =we must dothings well.

8. 似乎很有道理。 it seems to

9. if you want to learn more, please visit our wwww.

10. they were all the先锋)of the american west.

11. 你应该列一个清单。 you should

12. 请不要跟我提及她。 please don’therme.

13. whenever i mentionh**e) dinner together she always says she is too busy.

14. tea is anaccident) invention.

15. 茶是被偶然发明的。 tea was invented

16. the rof that country is very kind to his people. the chicken soup svery good.

17. my father likes to开水) very much.

18. we feel very proud when we see our国旗)rising in奥运会) games.

19. tea is now做**)between many different countries.

20. the story发生)in the 19th century.

21. it was the coldest winter for many years毫无疑问).

22. this is adoubt) question. i can’t answer iti put my ice-cream into f

23. they sold the machine以极低的**).

24. 请把这张纸上的中文译成英文。 pleasechineseenglish on this *****.

25. the doorlock) when we arrived, so we rang the门铃).

26. **突然发生了,但是幸运的是村民都被带到了安全的地方。 thehappenedbutthe villagersto a safe place.

27. i want一块饼干).

28. 在我们学校有很多乐器,比如说吉他,钢琴,鼓等等。

there are manyguitar, piano, drum

29. tom lots of曲奇饼)so he can’t eat anything else.

30. it is 7:58. inear) go to schoolsheborn) in 1991.

31. the le**es fell into the water andremain) there for一段时间).

32. my mother cooked the chips(薯条)for long time so that they are c

33. the soup is toosaltthis green orange is s

34. there are a lot of cin this shop on weekends.

35. some things were invented无意中).

36. she is acanada), she lives incanada) so she likes to eatcanada) food.

37. 这间房子被分成了三部分。 this housethree parts.

38. 昨天我的妈妈买了一筐苹果。 yesterday my mother bought

39. 计算机的普及已近延伸到了我们城市的乡村。

computers has risen around the villages in our city.

40. 不仅今天而且明天都是很特殊的日子。

todaytomorrow are very special dates.

41. 许多人仰慕这些著名的运动员。 many peoplethese famous players.

42. many people look up to these basketball英雄).

43. yao ming used to be a pbasketball player.

44. **是什么时候发明的? whenthe telephone

45. 你能帮我想出一件发明吗? can you help me

46. 想想它在我们日常生活中多久使用一次。

think aboutitin ourlives.

47. 但是在那时,没有被广泛的使用。 butit wasn’t

48. 茶是世界上最受欢迎的饮料。 tea isin the world.

49. many people believe that teafirstdrink) about 5,000 years ago.

50. 据说,她是很慈祥的老师she is a very kind teacher.

51. the little boyfall into) the river and shouted for help.

52. 三年后,她将是一位名牌大学的学生。

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