
发布 2022-07-29 03:45:28 阅读 8952


1 two year h**e流逝) before we know it .

2 do you often相互帮助) in class.?

3 never放弃) learning english . it’s much too useful.

4 liu yundi took part in the 14th钢琴比赛).

5 they are going to h**e a时装表演) next week.

6 many young people like singing流行歌曲).

7 liu xiang is my f**orite跑步明星).

8 he获奖) in the last year’s math competition.

9 you h**e to打扫客厅)now.

10 thanks for照看) my dog.

11 it plays the most有趣的**) .

12 tourists need to wear暖和的衣服).

13 hotels usually降价) in winter.

14 she做运动) every morning.

15 i看书) on weekends.

16 our country’s(国旗is red.

17 they (梦想going to the moon one day.

18 (熬夜is bad for our health。

19(中国食品are popular all over the world .

20 (好的服务员can get a lot of tips.

21 lisa is a special girl who doesn’t吃肉 ).

22 i often做饭) for my family.

23 they all wanted to eat烤牛肉) (roast beef)

24 eating (垃圾食品is bad for us .

25 there is a big游泳池) in the garden.

26 our country needs lots of好的运动员).

27 it’s popular to h**e火锅).(hot pot)

30 would you please pass me a bottle of柠檬汁).

31 can you come to my party on星期六的下午)?

32 we will上**课) this afternoon.

33 i’m planning to spend time in the美丽的乡村).

34 do you h**e a健康的生活方式 )

35 it’s rude to插队) .

36 this kind computer is过时).

37the whole society should do something to stop水污染)

38 he found a兼职工作).

39 most people are interesting in世界杯).

40 please meet me at the火车站).

41 the accident发生) at 11:00pm last night.

42 my brother loves踢足球).

43 he set up a服装厂) by himself.

44 i want to h**e my hair cut in the理发店)

45remember to give the成绩单) to you parents.

46 maybe when i le**e school i want to be a导游 )

47 liu xiang won the金牌) at the 2004 olympics.

48 zheng chenggong was a民族英雄) in china.

49 everyone looks forward to a幸福的生活) .

50 please bring your身份证) ,or you can’t go to the party.

51 i was very sorry to hear that he感冒) last night.

52 the boys are visiting艺术博物馆).

53 my最喜爱的乐队) is new ocean w**es.

54 don’t浪费时间) any mor.

55 i went to da li for my holiday on国庆节。

56 we really should**利用纸).

1.hope you h**e good grades in the期末考试)。

2.they moved to a big city谋生)。

3.we should work hard为了生活幸福)。

4.i can`t buy the coat because my money花光了)。

5顺便问一句),could i h**e a cup of tea,please?

6.they are playing with a大雪球)。

7.it`s polite排队等候)。

8.we shouldn`t spit在公共场所)。

9.lots of young people are very interested in pop music目前)。

10.chinese students should learn something about西方历史)

11.can you teach me some学英语的方法)?

12.in my hometown,it`s warm一年到头)

13.we got a感谢信)yesterday.

14.i often作笔记)in class

15.mr lee has to作兼职)to feed the family.

16.before an exam,we shouldn`t熬夜)

17.if we全神贯注于)our study,there`s nothing hard.

18.because of the he**y rain,lots of earth and big stones当道)so that we didn`t get there on time.

19.nobody can move others` things未经允许)

20.i like听古典**)

21.it is said that a thief逃跑)the prison

22.there are a lot of old things展览)in the museum


24.all the people震动)by the accident.

25在每年的这个时节),people always go out for a picnic.


九年级词组归纳。一 词组。1.查阅,抬头看。2.天生具有。3.注意,关注。4.把 和 连接。5.增加,发胖。6.摆开,布置。7.最终成为。8.泼水节。9.端午节。10.中秋节。11.父亲节。12.母亲节。13.路过,经过。14.抱歉。15.停车场。16.时常,有时。17.应对,处理。18.公开地。1...


第四单元 medicine 服药 out make research 做 进行研究 sth.to 把某物系在 上 worried about 为 感到焦虑 5.share.with.和 分享 to 和 谈话。late for class,school,work 迟到。if.如果 的话怎么办?即使 又...


01表示建议句型的总结。归纳拓展 what about.是英语口语中常用的一个提出建议的句型,相当于how about.它后面可接名词 代词或动词 ing形式。常用于向对方提出建议,请求或用来征询对方的意见,看法等。例如 what about going out for a walk?出去散散步好吗...