八年级上册英语期末复习之1 3单元

发布 2022-07-23 13:36:28 阅读 4575

unit 1-3复习。


2)不定代词的基础用法讲解 (完成单选11-12)

3)名词所有格的使用 (完成单选16-17)

4)too many / too much / much too 辨析 (单选18-19)

5)enough 用法讲解及拓展so… that互换(单选20)

6)try to do /try doing 辨析(单选21)

7)forget 考点讲解(单选7)


单项填空。 )10. -how was your summer camp in beijing last year?

i had a good time with my friends.

a. awfulb. greatc. expensive d. not good

)11. -do you h**eto say for yourselfno, i h**eto say.

a. something; everything b. nothing; something c.

everything; anything d. anything; nothing

)12. -would you liketo eatthanks, please.

a. somethingb. anything c. some things d. any things

)13. paul and itennis yesterday. he did much better than i.

a. playb. will play c. playedd. are playing

)14. -what did mr. smith do before he came to chinahein a car factory.

a. workedb. worksc. is working d. will work

)15. heone hour on his homework last night.

a. spentb. spendc. spended d. spends

)16. -september 10th isday in china, isn’t ityes, it is.

a. teacherb. teachers’ c. teacher d. teacher

)17. the red bike is __

a. alice’sb. alicesc. alicesd. alice

)18. the hat is __big for me.

a. too muchb. much too c. too many d. many too

)19. mother brought __eggs yesterday.

a. too muchb. too many c. much too d. many too

)20. the bag is __he**y __the kid can’t carry it.

a. too…tob. so…toc. so… that d. very…that

语要法点。1)重点:频率提问及回答 how often do you do sth


3)once / twice / three times a month...every day / year / month

4)be good for / with / to辨析

5)sometimes / sometime / some times / some time 四词辨析




句型。1)sb. find that---

2)sb. find sth adj.

3)want sb. to do sth. 4)the best way to do sth.

5)how many hourshow many --are there---

6)it’s adj. (for sb.) to do sth.

7)what’s your f**orite --

基础知识。1)go on vacation 去度假2)quite a few 相当多3)h**e a good time玩得开心。

4)feel like感受到5)find out 找出,查明 6)come up出来。

7)so…that如此以至于8)because of 因为9)how often 多久一次。

10)hardly ever几乎从不11)stay up late熬夜12)at least 至少。

13)be good for对…有好处14)not…at all 一点儿也不 15)such as 比如。

16)more than多于17)less than少于18)play sports进行体育活动。



-- excuse me, is therein today’s news*****no, nothing.

a. something new b. new somethingc. anything new

2)quite a few 和 quite a little辨析。

quite a few 修饰可数名词复数。

quite a little 修饰不可数名词。

he will stay here fordays.

there iswater in the bottle.

3)go+ doing 表示去做某事。


4)too much, much too, too many 的辨析。

mother bought __eggs yesterday.

we h**ework to do.

the hat isbig for me.

5)sometimes, sometime, some times, some time的辨析。

助记:分开一段时间 (some time), 相聚为某时(sometime)

有时相聚加s (sometimes), 几次分开带s (some times)


hardly: 几乎不, 一般位于动词之前。

hard: 努力,位于动词之后。

7)be good for, be good at, be good with 辨析。

doing morning exercises isyou.

i’mplaying basketball.

are youchildren?

提高练习。. 单项选择。

)1.—would you like to climb mountains with me this sunday?

i’d love to. but i __play table tennis between class three and our class.

going going to to

)2do you prefer, walking or running?—i like running better.

)3.—are you going to __our english club? —yes, i am.

part in part in

) foreigners arrived __shanghai __night.

at at in in

)5. xu xia and her teammates are __the next week.

for for

) want to be a doctor when i __

up about up born

) see wei han __english almost every morning.

read )8. i spent a lot of time __english last weekend.

a. to practice speakingb. practicing to speak

c. practicing speakingd. practice speaking

) an english party in our class next week.


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