
发布 2022-06-12 17:27:28 阅读 6986


section one listening (满分30分)

一 .听下面几段材料,根据所听内容完成各个小题,并将代表最佳答案的字母填在题前的括号内。每段片断仅**一遍。(每小题1分,满分6分)


1.“hakuna matata!” means

a. no way difficulties worries

2. “hakuna matata!” is aphrase.

a. beautiful b. wonderful c. helpful

听下面一段电影录音,完成第3-4 题。

3. in this part of the movies, they find

a. a tiger b. a wolfc. a lion

4. then they decide to

a. keep it b. kill itc. take it


5. in the dialogue ,the oscar goes to

a. bolt b. kuang fu panda e

6. as we know,this famous films festival is held in

a. china b,americac. france

二 . 听下面五个问句,根据所听内容选出相应的答语,并将代表该答案的字母填在题前的括号内。每个问句仅读一遍。 (每小题1分,满分5分)

he works hard b. he is a teacher c. he’s forty

2. is exciting b. no, not at all c. yes,i like it

3. a.. yes, please b. you ‘re welcome c. of course not.

4. redb. last week c. it’s mary’s

idon’t know b. not at allc. sure

三 .听下面五段对话,根据对话内容选择相应的**,并将代表该答案的字母填在题前的括号内。每段对话仅读一遍。 (每小题1分,满分5分)

1 .what is the man taking?

2 . which of the following does the man suggest?

3 . according to the doctor,which of the following is the best for us?

4 .why is the girl so happy?

is john probably going?

四.听下面五段对话,根据对话内容选择相应的**,并将代表该答案的字母填在题前的括号内。每段对话仅读一遍。 (每小题1分,满分5分)

1. what is the time now?

a. 2:15b.2:30c. 2:45

)2 .where does this dialogue take place?

a shopb. in a library c. in a restaurant

3. how does the woman feel?

a. unhappy b. tiredc. angry

4 .what are they talking about?

weatherc. seaside

5 .what does the woman mean?

a. she likes italian food very much

b. she thinks the food there is very expensive

c. she doesn’t like the food at pizza hut at all.

五 .听下面一段对话,从所听到的6个任务中选出4个,并将代表人物名字的序号填在**中a-d四个相应的方框内。本段材料读两遍。 (每空1分,满分4分)

六 .听下面一段材料,根据内容完成各个小题。本段材料读两遍。 (满分5分)

1. 根据独白内容,判断下列句子正误,将t(正确)或f(错误)填入题前的括号内。

fox hunting isn’t allowed in the

today people want to help young animals.

2. 根据独白内容将以下动物名称和代表动物所在地特征的**连线。

section tworeading and writing(满分25分)

一.阅读下面一首小诗,根据上下文的提示,把相应的单词填写在左边的横线上,单词首字母已给出。 (每小题1分,满分3分)

2. m___

3. r二阅读下面4段材料。选择最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母填在题前的括号内。(每题2分,满分8分)

1.”go metro! exploring la is easy with public transportation.

” if you go on a tour around la, you’d better___

a. take the underground b. buy a car by yourself c. borrow a bike from others

) 2. so many pandas! but they are not real pandas.

they are pandas made of *****. 1,600 ***** pandas are made by members of the world wildlife fund. it is to warm people that only 1,600 pandas are left on earth.

it is to call on people to

a. find enough food for pandas

b. use the ***** properly

c. s**e our natural environment

) 3. barry has a clever parrot. one day he told his friends, ”if you pull the red line on his left leg, he will speak german”.

what will happen if i pull both of the two lines?” one of his friends askedthe parrot answered angrily.

a. i will speak both german and french.

b. i will fall off the wood, you fool!

c. i will sing s song in english.

) 4. firstly, water changes into steam and rises as it’s hot enough. secondly, it changes into small drops of water to form clouds.

thirdlyat last, it returns to river, lakes and oceans, the cycle begins again.


全国保险 从业人员资格考试试卷 a 卷。湖南地区 一 单选题 共80题,每小题1分,共80分。每题的备选答案中只有一个是正确的。选对得1分,多选 少选或错选均得0分。1 在社会生产和生活中,属于静态风险所导致损失的形式包括 等。a.雷电 暴风所致损失 b.人口增加所致损失。c.技术进步所致损失 d....


10.常用模板中,具有轻便灵活 拆装方便 通用性强 周转率高 接缝多且严密性差 混凝土成型后外观质量差等特点的是 a 木模板。b 组合钢模板。c 钢框木胶合板模板。d 钢大模板。11.一般情况下,当受拉钢筋直径最小大于 mm时,不宜采用绑扎搭接接头。a 22b 25 c 28d 32 12.砌筑砂浆...


四 设计题。1 研究者欲通过邮寄填答法的方式抽样调查1000名武汉市居民,了解他们发生代际流动的情况。请你帮助她确定一个具体的 可操作的调查课题,提出三个可检验的研究假设,并设计出一个比较合理的研究方案 包括一个四阶段的抽样方案 解 1 调查课题 两代人之间的职业差异。以武汉市1000名居民为例。2...