2023年 春 四年级英语半期

发布 2022-05-16 09:11:28 阅读 6775









7、is not(缩写形式8、cool(反义词。



1、the computer room is on the s floor.

2、its 7 oclock .its time for bi would like milk and bread.

3、a:is it warm today?

b:no,it isnt .its very c

4、its r outside .take(带) your umbrella(雨伞).

5、its time for m class. lets sing and dance.

6、its time for pe class . lets go to the p

ⅳ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

)1、hair a.手 b.头发 c. 头 d.恨。

( )a.力气 b.上进心 c.年轻的 d.强壮的。

) a.太阳 b.女孩 c.眼镜 d.玻璃。

) floor a.地板 b.三楼 c.二楼 d.一楼。

) football a.打手机 b.打电脑 c.打牌 d.踢足球。

)6、its 7:10. its timego to school.

b. to c. for d. /

)7、its 7:00 p·mis ready.

)8. a: do you h**e english class?

bis. do. arent. dont h**e.

) the computer room?

bon the first the teachers office.

a computer on the desk.

) jim fly a kite outside?

bwindy. can. can. cool.

. 问答配对。(每小题2分,共10分)

) you h**e an four oclock.

) your teacher in the do.

) it cool and is.

) time is blackboard and some desks.

) in your isnt.

. 选择句子补全对话。(共10分)


you h**e a computer room?

sarahit’s on the first floor.

peter:oh,so many computers

sarah:yes,it is. we h**e many books.

petersarah:oh,it’s 4 o’ time to go home.

petersarah:yes,it h**e an with me.




me. you.


to our school.

to our classroom. to our home.


is the teachers’ desk over there.

is the teachers’desk?

is the teachers’ office?

in the teachers’ office?


cloudy in warm in beijing.

cold in sunny in beijing.


time is it time now.

it does it tell you now?

. read and write。读句子,用所给词的正确形式填空(每小题3分,共15分)

1、——where is youroffice?

——it’s over there. this way, please.

2.——is your classroom on thefloor?

——yes,it is


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