2023年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试卷 版 含答案 有解析

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2011兰州】21. you've just finished your listening exam. please get yourself ready for the next part, ?

a. shall we b. will you c. do you d. are you

答案:a解析】反意疑问句的用法。祈使句的反意疑问部分是will you,因此选a。

2011兰州】22do you h**e a face-to-face talk with your parent(s)?

a. how often b. how soon c. how many d. how much

答案:a解析】词义辨析。how often“多久一次”,对频率提问;how soon“多久”,对将来时态中的“in+一段时间”提问;how many“多少,对可数名词提问;how much“多少”,对不可数名词提问。


2011兰州】23. one of the difficulties we h**e english is how to remember new words and expressions.

a. to learn b. in learning c. learn d. learned

答案:b解析】定语从句的用法。句中的主语含有一个定语从句,省略了关系代词that,one of the difficulties是作为定语从句中的宾语。

h**e difficulty ( in ) doing sth.做某事有困难,句意“我们学习英语的一个困难是怎样记住新的单词和表达”,因此选b。

2011兰州】24. our chinese teacher told us interesting story and story was about thomas edison.

a. an; a the the d. an; the


2011兰州】25. —how do you like your englsh teacher?

— he is great. we friends since three years ago.

a. were b. h**e made c. h**e been d. h**e become

答案:c解析】现在完成时态的用法。由答句中的since three years ago知,主语用现在完成时态,且动词用延续性动词,因此选c。

2011兰州】26. 一 hi, jim! is this your bike or mary's?

— it's mine, not

a. her b. him c. his d. hers


2011兰州】27. we can't work out the physics problem. can you tell us

a. how to do b. what to do it

c. how to do it d. what should to do


2011兰州】28. mary is used to a t-shirt and jeans.

a. wear b. put on c. wearing d. putting on

答案:c解析】词义辨析。句意“玛丽习惯于穿t恤衫和牛仔裤”,be used to doing sth.

习惯于做某事,因此排除选项a、b,wear强调状态,put on强调动作,由句意知“此处应用状态”,因此选c。

2011兰州】29. of the two coats, she'd like to choose the one to s**e money for a book.

a. cheapest b. cheaper c. more expensive d. most expensive

答案:b解析】比较级的用法。由s**e money“节省钱”知,在两件外套中,她想选择便宜的那件,因此选b。

2011兰州】30. he said he would come to see us the next afternoon.

a. sometime b. some time c. sometimes d. some times

答案:a解析】词义辨析。句意“他说明天下午的某个时间将来看我们”,sometime某个时间,some time一段时间,sometimes有时,some times几次,因此选a。

2011兰州】31. there a basketball match between class one and class three this afternoon.

a. is going to be b. will h**e c. are going to be d. is going to h**e

答案:a解析】there be的将来时态。there be的将来时态是there is going to/ will be…(名词单数),因此选a。

2011兰州】32. —i h**e changed my job.

a. so do i b. so h**e i c. so i do d. so i h**e

答案:b解析】倒装句的用法。答句意为“我也改变了工作”,上句是由h**e构成的完成时态,因此答句由h**e/ has构成完全倒装句,因此选b。

2011兰州】33. —hello! can i speak to the headmaster, please?

a. who are you, please? b. of course, you can.

c. who is it, pleased. sorry, you can't.


2011兰州】34. in many places in china, the old over 90 not only by their family but also by the government.

a. is taking good care b. are taken good care of

c. is taking good care of d. are taken good care


the old指一类人,因此是复数形式,故排除a、c,被动语态中的动作须是及物动词,因此选b。

2011兰州】35. “don't to strangers on your way to and from school”, mother often to me.

a. speak; says b. speak; tells c. talk; speaks d. talk; tells

答案:a解析】词义辨析。句意:“在你上学或放学的途中,不要对陌生人讲话”,妈妈常常对我说。speak to sb.对某人讲,say侧重于讲话的内容,因此a。

2011兰州】36. jane is one of the students in the class h**e ever been to china.

a. who b. whose c. which d. whom


2011兰州】37. —may i come in? i'm sorry i am late.

— come in, please. but could you please tell me

a. how do you come to school b. what were you doing then

c. who you talked withd. why you are late again



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