
发布 2022-05-15 14:33:28 阅读 3221










二、look read and tick or cross. (看图,读句子,打勾或打叉)(10分)


( )1. 你怎样向你的朋友说祝你玩的开心

a. h**e a good time. b. goodbye. c. welcome.

( )2想知道别人有多少只鸟你应该问

a. how many books do you h**e? b. how many birds can you see? c. how are you?

)3. 你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:

a、who’s this boy? b、 who’s that boy? c、who’s that girl?

)4. 想询问别人小汽车在**,应怎样问:

a、where is my car? b、where’s my cat? c、this is my car.

( )5. 询问别人来自**应该说

a. what are you from? b. where are you from? c、how old are you?


1、在…下面 2、有趣 3、红色 4、牛奶 5、猪

6、身体 7、狗 8、橙子 9、鸭子 10、跑步。


) 1. look at the kite. wow, so beautiful!

) 2. mike is from the uk..

) 3. miss white is a teacher. she likes pears.

) 4. the ball is under the desk.

( )5. look! it has a long nose and a short tail.


) b、brother c、teacher d、sister

) b、ball c、girl d、man

) b、pear c、grape d、ball

) b、giraffe c、short d、long

) b、twelve c、twenty d、kite

) b、dad c、mom d、sister

)7. a、juice b、grape c、strawberry d、banana

)8. a、grandfatherb、chair c、father d、brother

)9. a、canada b、china c、toy d、usa

)10. a、sixteen b、grandpa c、grandma d、teacher


1. who’s that man? he is my father.

2. hello,i am amy. i’m from america.

3. how many books do you h**e?

i h**e fourteen.

4. the duck is in the box.

5. this is an elephant. it’s big.


( )1. is she your mother? a. it’s under the chair.

) 2. how many kites do you see? b. i am from canada.

) 3. where are you from?c. no, she isn't.

) 4. where is my pencil box?d. i see thirteen.

) 5. do you like bananase. thank you.

) 6. who’s that boyf. yes, it is.

) 7. welcome back to schoolg. me,neither

) 8. sorry, i don’t like bananash. he’s my brother.

) 9. is it in your bagi. ok

) go homej. no,i don’t.


)mom, where is my car?

) is it in your bag?

) is it in the toy box?

) yes,it is .

) thanks, mum.

) no, it isn’t.


1.this is my mum. she is very beautiful.2.this is my grandma. she is old (老了).

3.this is my father. he is a teacher. 4.this is my brother. he is a student.

5.this is my grandpa. he likes apples. 6.this is my sister. she is 2 years old.

十一、 阅读短文,判断下列句子正(t)误(f)。(6分)

my name is mike. i am a boy. i’m nine.

i am a student. i h**e a happy family. my father is a teacher.

my mother is teacher, too. i h**e two sisters. they are 10 years old.

i h**e a brother. he’s ted. he’s 5 years old.

)1. i am mike.

)2. mike is a student.

)3. his mum is a teacher.

)4. mike has one brother and one sister.

)5. ted is a girl.

)6. mike is nine.


三年级下学期期末测试卷 陈嘴学区蛮子营学校王鑫 姓名分数。一 听录音,选出你所听到的一组字母或单词。每小题2分,共10分 1 a dc b bc c ec 2 a bd b bg c dg 3 a gc b jc c fl 4.a.fourteen b.thirteen c.fifteen 5 a....


2017 2018学年度第二学期三年级英语期末试卷。分值 100分,40分钟完成 成绩。一 请将下面两句话认真工整地抄写在四线三格内。3 what are those?they re apples.二 听力 35 一 听录音,找出你所听到的单词,将序号填在题前括号内,听两遍 5 1.a.rubber...


满分 100分时间 60分钟 一 我会写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。if dg x rk y 三 我会读a 栏的问句,从b 栏中选择合适的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内。ab 1 happy women s daya.yes,i do 2 do you like bananasb.she s my ...