
发布 2022-05-15 14:28:28 阅读 7089




what are those? they’re apples.



) 1. a. rubberb. robotc. right

) 2. a. skirtb. shoutc. shirt

) 3. a. blackb. blackboard c. breakfast

) 4. a. 35261b. 53216c. 53612

) 5. a. make a wish b. make a cake c. make an ice cream




1. a. it’s a cowb. they’re pigs.

2. a. yes, they areb. yes, it is.

3. a. it’s a parrotb. yes, it’s a parrot.

4. a. it’s nineb. i’m nine.

5. a. she’s behind the door. b. it’s in the desk.


1.——howare you?

—i’m2. —is this your

it is.


—noare pigs.


一)找出与所给单词不同类的一项,把序号填在题前括号内 (8%)

) 1. a. mike b. liu tao c. father

) 2. a. pencil b. rubber c. it

) 3. a. inb. where c. under

) 4. a. you b. seven c. ten

) 5. a. man b. boyc. picture

) 6. a. eleven b. lunch c. twelve

) 7. a. open b. close c. door

) 8. a. listen b. talkc. cake



) 1. —who’s the womanmy aunt.

a. she’sb. he’sc. it’s

) 2. —boys and girls, it’s twelve o’clock. it’s time for

ok, miss li.

a. dinnerb. lunchc. school

) 3. don’t __my milk.

a. eatb. runc. drink

) 4. look, a white cat is __the tree.

a. inb. onc. at

) 5a beautiful birthday cake!

a. howb. whoc. what

) 6. wake up, eddie. don’t __late.

a. beb. amc. are

) 7. look __the blackboard and listen __mr green.

a. at; tob. to; atc. in; at

) 8. —what are these in the bag? —they’re___

a. pictureb. a picturec. pictures

) 9. where___the bird?

a. amb. isc. are

)10. —what are thesebooks.

a. they’reb. it’sc. they’re


a. shh! don’t shout, mike

b. no, thank you. don’t drink in the library

c. sorry. would you like some milk, liu tao

d. hi, liu tao

e. i’m sorry.


iii ) 1. this is my frienda. ok.

) 2. where’s my dollb. nice to meet you.

) 3. welcome to my homec. he’s mike’s brother, tim.

) 4. is this your fatherd. thank you.

) 5. who’s that boye. it’s on the desk now.

) 6. don’t listen to the parrotf. yes, he’s my father john.

六)完成对话,将方框内句子的序号填在横线上,使其成为一段句意通顺的对话。 (4%)

a: good morning, mike!

ba: welcome to my farm!

b: thank you

a: he’s my father. he is picking oranges.

b: what’s this?

ab: look at the tree, are those pears?

ab:oh,what a nice farm!


1. that, who’s, girl (?

2. for ,this, you, is (.

tree,in,the,the,is (.

4. time,is,what,it (?


三年级下学期期末测试卷 陈嘴学区蛮子营学校王鑫 姓名分数。一 听录音,选出你所听到的一组字母或单词。每小题2分,共10分 1 a dc b bc c ec 2 a bd b bg c dg 3 a gc b jc c fl 4.a.fourteen b.thirteen c.fifteen 5 a....


满分 100分时间 60分钟 一 我会写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。if dg x rk y 三 我会读a 栏的问句,从b 栏中选择合适的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内。ab 1 happy women s daya.yes,i do 2 do you like bananasb.she s my ...


三年级英语第二学期期末试卷。号数 姓名 分数 一 根据算式选出正确的答案 用线把算式与单词连起来 12分 5 6thirteen 9 7nineteen 18 6sixteen 14 5twelve 20 7twenty 13 7eleven 二 look read and tick or cros...