六年级英语 人称代词的主格和宾格 二

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人称代词的主格有 i我 you你 he他 she她 it它

we我们 you你们 they他(她、它)们;

对应的宾格有 me我 you你 him他 her她 it它

us我们 you你们 them他(她、它)们。


i like you我喜欢你。 you like me. 你喜欢我。

he likes her. 他喜欢她。 she likes him. 她喜欢他。

we like you. 我们喜欢你们。 you like us. 你们喜欢我们。

they like us. 他们喜欢我们。 we like them. 我们喜欢它们。


this is my book. the book is mine. 这是我的书。这书是我的。

that is your desk. that’s yours. 那是你的课桌。那是你的。

this is his cup. it’s his. 这是他的杯子。是他的。

that is her skirt. the skirt is hers. 那是她的短裙。那短裙是她的。

that’s its banana. the banana is its. 那是它的香蕉。那香蕉是它的。

this is our classroom. it’s ours. 这是我们的教室。是我们的。

this is their basketball. it’s theirs. 这是他们的篮球。是他们的。

反身代词有myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. 分别表示我自己、你自己、他自己、她自己、它自己、我们自己、你们自己、他(她、它)们自己,单词后面的self意思是自己,selves是self的复数(变f为v再加es)。反过来表示自己,所以叫反身代词。


he saw himself in the mirror. 他在镜子里看见了他自己。(himself 和 he 为同一人)

he saw him in the mirror. 他在镜子里看见了他。(him 显然指另外一人)

she fixed her bike by herself. 她自己修好了她的自行车。


1. this is(my / i)mother. 2. nice to meet (your / you). 3. (he / his)name is mark.

4. what’s(she / her)name? 5. excuse(me / my / i). 6. are(your / you)miss li?

7. (i/ my)am ben. 8.

(she / her)is my sister. 9. fine , thank (your / you).

10. how old is (he / his)?


1. (她) is a student. (她) sister is a student too. 2我) want (你) to do it today.

3他) twin brother is a worker他们) are twins.

4你们) are from england我们) are from china.

5. all of我们) love我们) teachers. 6. this is我) book. that is你).

7. these pens are (他们你们) are over there. 8. can (你) read it for (我们).


)1. look at . a. him b. he c. his

)2. i drive to the park every day. a. they b. their c. them

)3. classroom is big. a. we b. us c. our

)4. i love . a. she b. her c. hers

)5. do you know ? a. i b. my c. me

)6. i am son. a. they b. their c. them

)7. this is not __desk.. my desk is over there. a. i b. my c. me

)8. -can you spell __name, harry? -sorry. a. you b. your c. yours

)9. tom and jack are brothers. this is __room. a. they b. them c. their

)10. we are in the same class. _classroom is very nice. a. our b. my c. ours

)11. mrs green is my teacher. i’m __student. a. he b. his c. him

)12. that’s a cat. _name is mimi. a. it b. it’s c. its


1. these arehe ) brothers.2. that isshe ) sister.

3. lily islucy ) sister.4. tom, this is __me ) cousin, mary.

5. nowher parent) are in america. 6. thosechild ) are __i ) father’s students.

7. do you knowit ) name?8. mike and tombe ) friends.

9. thanks for helpingi ).10. _ann安)mother is __we) teacher.


1. i ate all __sandwiches yesterday.( i ) can i h**e one ofyou )

2. george has lost __his ) pen. ask mary if(是否)she will lend himshe )

3. jack has a dog and so h**e i. _he ) dog and __i ) had a fight (打架).

4. the teacher wants you to return that book of __he )

5. mr. and mrs. green and a friend of __are coming to see us. (they )

6. we are going to paris to stay with a french friend of __we )


a. 从括号内选择正确的代词填空。

1. your football clothes are on the desk. please putthey,them,their,theirs) away.

2. (we,us,our,oursenglish teacher is mrs. green. we all likeshe,her,hers).

3. (i,me,my,minecan’t get my kite. could you helpi,me,my,mine)?

4. tom can’t get down from the tree. can you helphe,him,his)?

小学六年级英语主格 宾格 人称代词

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