
发布 2022-05-11 10:08:28 阅读 5233



love my父母亲), they love me, too.

often writes to his pen朋友) alice, she is in america.

拿来) your english books here this afternoon.

can you拼写) it?

smith has a son and a女儿) .

students from class 2 play排球) well.

无聊的) to go to bed after eating every day.

吃) hamburgers and milk for lunch.

these西红柿) in the photo?

do you h**e for早餐) ?two eggs.

11.--thank you for your help. -you are不必感谢的) .

at the**) of the watch, forget it.

ctom at 529-6403.

is my che is my aunt’s son.

often h**e an egg for b

16. how many字典) are there on the desk?

17. i think english is困难的).

18. that听起来) good.

19. do you h**e two tennis球拍)?

20带来) your english book to school tomorrow.

21. do you like these短裤)?

play computer游戏) .

is a kind(种) of蔬菜).

has rice for午餐).

family h**e晚餐) at 5:30 every day .

26. let's h**e some西红柿).

27. my brother tony喜欢)chicken.


1. look at the p___on the wall, please.

2. this is a bird. i___name is polly.

3. miss gao is my english t___

are three p___in my family.

6. jim and kate are in the same class. they are c___

sounds i

8. hello, miss yang. can i p___my coat here?

9 tony wants to ask you three q .

10. that car is old, but this one is n___

11. -how old is it? -sorry, i d___know.

12.-what c___do you like?-i like red.

box is too s___i want a big one.

14. u___john is my father's brother.

15. the woman is my a___my mother's sister.

16. we call(称呼) father and mother p___

17. this is my s___ann.

18. let’s play s

19. t___for your help.

20. i’m si’m late.

21. where is my ice c___

22. running star eat lots of hfood.

23. watching tv is blet’s play ping-pong.

24. that sounds i3.

25.your telephone nis 422-2785.

26. i h**e seggs for b

doesn’t play sports, he only w __them on tv.


1. _is a boyname is drew.(he)

2. is __english name francisco? (you)

3mr white __h**e) a computer?

4. please give the pen to __i).

5be) there a table and two chairs in the room?

7. henot h**e) a bike.

8. can you helpour)?

9. what __be) your classmates' telephone numbers?

10. i found a set ofkey).

11. these are my familyphoto).

12. i don't liketomato).

13. look at the two girls,__they)names are gina and linda.

14. can you help __he).

15. _you) jacket is very good .

16. miss li teaches __we )

17 jim and i __be )cousins.

18. are __that) your brothers ?

19. _do) your father h**e a sister ?

20.it’s nicemeet) you.

21.letwe)learn and read english.

___play)soccer ball.

h**e two___computer).

your father __like)sports?

25. can you help___we)?

四、 词形转换..

1. no(反义词2. it is(缩写形式3.

her(主格)__4. mother(对应词6. isn’t(完整形式7.

white(反义词)__同义词9. too(同音词)__10. boy(复数形式)__

五、 根据要求改写句子:

1.these are japanese cars. (变为一般疑问句。

.she is our new teacher. (变为否定句。

.tom is in the library. (根据划线部分提问。

.those students are chinese. (变为单数。

.he is jack smith. (变为同义句。

6 i h**e some books.(改成一般疑问句)

7. breakfast, jim, like, for, and, hamburgers, kate (连词成句)

8. he likes a strawberry. (改成复数句。

play volleyball. (用let's句型volleyball!

are his sisters. (改为单数句his

has a very nice watch.(改为一般疑问句hea very nice watch?

plays soccer after school. (改为否定句) jimsoccer after school.

likes his new room.(改为一般疑问句hehis new room?

14.his name is tom.(对划线部分提问)

his name?

15.james is fine.(对划线部分提问)


16.i’m jenny.(改为同义句)

is jenny.

17.linda’s telephone number is 605-4279.(改为一般疑问句)


三岔河镇第一中学2008 2009学年上学期期未测试卷。八年级物理。时间 120分钟总分 120分。一 选择题 每小题3分,共24分 1 选项中温度最低的是。a 夏季最热时的室外温度。b 冰水混合物的温度。c 让人感觉舒适的房间温度。d 健康人的体温。2 下列有关声现象的叙述正确的是。a 正在发声的...


七年级英语单词竞赛试题。姓名学号得分 一 翻译下列单词。1.学生。2.同班同学。3.教室。4.年龄。5.业余爱好。6.每人,人人。7.答话时表示感兴趣或惊讶 的确,确实。8.碗,盘。9.网球。10.排球。11.运动员。12.享受 的乐趣 欣赏 喜爱。13.成员。14.俱乐部。15.梦想。16.周末。...


育红实验中学七年级第一学期英语竞赛。七年级 上 满分120分 一 单项填空 从每小题四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题号前括号内。本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。1.linda is my mother s sister,so she is my a.si...