
发布 2022-03-28 03:36:28 阅读 7792


)1、旅馆 a、hotel b、shopc、**enue

)2、车票 a、jacket b、ticket c、truck

)3、灰白的 a、grayb、glasses c、glass

)4、知道 a、knowb、nowc、new

)5、离开 a、le**e b、come c、marker


)1、w_ st 西方 a、e b、n c、ou

)2、c__ sin 表妹 a、un b、an c、ou

)3、j___cket 夹克衫 a、o b、a c、e

)4、w___k 散步 a、ai b、ar c、al

)5、m___day 星期一 a、anb、on c、or

按要求写单词 (20)

1. these(对应词2. one(序数词)__3. fast(比较级4. mother(名词所有格) _

5、new(反义词) _6. by(同音词) _7. le**e(现在分词)__8. bus(复数) _

9. second(基数词)__过去式) _


)1、how do they go to work2、what do they like to do3、are you ready for school4、would you like some tea5、what colour is her hair?

a、gray. b、by bus. c、playing cards. d、yes. e、no thanks.

)1、what colour is china2、what is the capital city of china ? 3、what do they speak in the you ready for a quiz5、can jenny fly a kite

a、yes, she can. b、english. c、red. d、beijing. e、yes,i am.


)1、can you __chinesea、say b、speak c、tell

)2、what do you likedo b、does c、to do

)3、china’s flag hasa、five pink stars b、five yellow stars c、five red stars

)4、the is __of china. a、east b、west c、south

)5、 do you go to schoola、how b、what c、where

)6、 points up on a mapa、south b、east c、north

)7、may i __shoppinga、goes b、go c、went

)8、you are __younggo. a、too,to b、to,too c、too,too

)9、i don’t to go by bus . a、went b、want c、wants

)10、__is the weather,todaya、what b、how c、where

)11、our address area、the same b、same c、sames

)12、--your skirt is very nicea、you are welcome. b、thanks. c、yes.

)13、let’sdanny. a、help b、helps c、to help

)14、does he need

a、a pair of shoe b、a pair of shoes c、two shoe

)15、what is jenny __nowa、do b、doing c、does

)16、i am __than you. a、olderb、oldc、oldder

( )17、--may i help youa、sureb、yesc、no

)18、what's __matter? a、ab、amc、the

)19is itit's 2:00. a、where b、what time c、what

)20、 it’s sunny, cool today. a、so b、but c、or



a、how old are you ? b、how is jenny? c、how are you


a、 how do you like to do ? b、what do you like to do ? c、how do you like to doing


a、what colour is china? b 、what is china? c、what colour is china's flag


a、what is itb、how old is it? c、what book is it?


a、by busb、to bus c、by bus work


a、what is your name? b、how old is it? c、how are you ?


a、what is itb、thanks. c、 no , thanks.


a、what is itb、you are welcome. c、thanks.


a、good morning . b、goodbye c、good afterfoon


a、what is itb、i don’t know. c、excuse me.


a、what are you doing? b、what do you like to do? c、which do you like?


a、i like to paly on a computer. b、i like to play gamesc、i like to play with toys.


a、what is the hotel? b、where is the hotel? c、what is it?


a、you live beijing. b、your mother live beijing. c、beijing is the caqpital city of china.



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