
发布 2022-05-15 13:35:28 阅读 4952




听力部分。一、 听句子,选单词。(2×5,10分)

二、 听描述,判对(t)错(f)。(2×5,10分)

三、 听问句,找答语。 (2×5,10分)

四、 听短文,做记录。(2×5,10分)

pit likes to eat lunch at school very much. monday is “pen” day, he eats porkand noodlesis “car” day, he eats chicken, apple and rice. wednesday is “kfc” day, he eats kale( 甘蓝and cakeis “nba” day, he eats noodles, beef and apple.

friday is pit’s f**ourite day. he can eat “prc”, forrice and carrot.



1. there __some beautiful trees in front of our building.

c. ampe teacher is stricthe is very kind.

a. and b. because c. but

3. -what do we h**e __mondays?

-- we h**e english, math and

a. in b. on c. for

4is it today?

---it’s wednesday.

a. which b. what c. what day

5.--what would you like for lunch?

---i'd like some___

a. tomato and mutton b. tomatoes and mutton

c. tomatoes and muttons

6. i don't like grapes. they're __

a. sour c. fresh

7. -what do you h**elunch?

---fish and potatoes.

a. on b. for c. to

8. there are no __in our village.

a. lake b. river c. tall buildings


1、my grandma is矮的) and瘦的)

2、whatis today? it’s星期五)

3、my f**ouriteis bananas. because it’s好吃的)

4、in my卧室) ,there is a big衣橱)

5、the trash bin isthe door.(在后边)


a. is there an air-conditioner?

b. really? what's it like?

c. there is a big closet and blue curtains.

d. i h**e my own room now.

e. yes, there is.


my name is da ming. this is my village. it’s in the mountains.

there are many small houses and a river. there is a bridge over the river. there are many fishes in the river.

there is a road beside the river. there are many flowers near the road. there is green grass and many trees, too.

we can run on the grass. there is a lake near my village. the water is clean.

it’s a beautiful village.

1、da ming’s village is in the mountains.

)2、there isn’t a bridge in the village.

)3、there are many flowers, green grass and many trees near the road.

)4、there is a clean lake in my village.

)5、da ming’s village is very beautiful.

六、 细观察,巧写作。(10分)


1、 写清表中的安排; 2、表明态度(喜欢或不喜欢); 3、简单描述你的周末安排。

参考句型: i h**e english ,math and science on thursdays.

i like english very much.

i often do my homework on weekends.



听力材料。五、 听句子,选单词。

1. my math teacher is kind.

2. it’s sunday today.

3. apples are sweet.

4. there is a mirror in my room.

5. there are some flowers under the tree.

六、 听描述,判对错。

1. he is short and fat.

2. we h**e math, chinese , computer and art on tuesday.

3. there is a bed, an end table and a picture in my room.

4. i h**e tofu and cabbage for lunch.

5. amy can wash the clothes, set the table and put away the clothes.

七、 听问句,找答语。

1. what’s your principal like?

2. what day is it today?

3. what do you h**e for dinner?

4. can you sweep the floor?

5. is there a nature park in the city?

八、 听短文,做记录。

pit likes to eat lunch at school very much. monday is “pen” day, he eats pork, eggplant and noodles. tuesday is “car” day, he eats chicken, apple and rice.

wednesday is “kfc” day, he eats kale( 甘蓝) ,fish and cake. thursday is “nba” day, he eats noodles, beef and apple. friday is pit’s f**ourite day, he can eat “prc”, for potato, rice and carrot.


莱卡教育小学五年级上册英语期末试卷 一 姓名成绩 一 请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来。10分 strict客厅周四 clean the bedroom behind 在 后边试一试 f ourite do homework 严格的打扫卧室 thursday living room 酸的洗碗h...


听力部分 每小题1.5分,30分 一 我会听音选词。小朋友们,请仔细听录音,将所听单词的序号填在括号里。每小题读两遍。1 a borrowb beefc use 2 a hobbyb.holdc happy 3 a plantb petc proud 4 a tomatob timetablec v...


一 看拼音写词语。shu i l oxi n ypi o b t ng xiu du n s li n 二 关联词语填空。1 小时侯,我对什么花不懂得欣赏。2 我告诉同学们不要害怕,说我爸爸活着一定会来救你能救大家。3 它 是离我较远,见我不去伤害它,便一点点挨近蹦到我的杯子上,俯下头来喝茶偏过脸瞧...