九年级英语复习测试题 二

发布 2022-03-26 20:41:28 阅读 4776







1. h**e you ever flown in ane plein /.

2. when she was a little girl, she wasterfad/of the dark.

3. i wasur/she would get over it.

4. i didn’t know it was you. youju:zd /to h**e short ahir.

5. singing english songs made her moreintristid /in learning english.

6. wang lin is the captain of the basketballti:m/.

7. many people are afraid of beingl un /.

8. —where’s the pay phone? —it’s infront: /of the library.

9. are you stillfreid/ to speak in class?

10. this kind of animalsli:ps/druing the day, but at night he gets up and eats le**es.


1. we can’t affordemploy) people.

2. whosedecide) is right?

3. the girl enjoys singisng instead ofdraw).

4. his mother helped himunderstand) how much she had give him.

5. his lifechange) a lot in the last few dsays.

6. hehard) has time for playing football, does he?

7. i think she is stillterrify) of the dark.

8. iuse) to hate tests, but now i don’t mind them.

9. i never got used togo) to bed so late.

10. sally hatesplay) football.

11. mybig) problem is that i’m too busy.

12. are youworry) about your health.

13. he is afraidgo) there.

14. it’s a good film, you’re surelike) it.

15. i used to spend a lot of timeplay) games with my good friends.


1. will you minddown the tv?

a. turning b. to turnc. putting d. getting

2. —would you mind my smoking hereyou’d better not.

a. yesb. noc. never mind d. i’m happy

3. please write on the blackboard after class.

a. notb. can’tc. won’td. don’t

4. our football team isfifteen players.

a. made of b. made fron c. made up of d. consist of

5. you used to be really quiteyou?

a. don’tb. didc. didn’td. aren’t

6. what am and her brohterlike?

a. does, look b. do, look c. is, look d. do, looks

7. it’s warm today. you’d betteryour coat.

a. to put on b. to take off c. put ond. take off

8. i used to play the pinao, but now i’m morein playing computer games.

a. bcd

9. —would you like to playbasketball with me?

ok, let’s go.

ab. thec. ad. an

10. the little girl used to be afraid of alone.

a. beb. beenc. beingd. is

11. he is always with the police.

a. getting for troubleb. getting with trouble

c. getting to troubled. getting into trouble

12. am here. she left last month.

a. no longer workb. works

c. no longer worksd. works no longer

13the rain stopped when we went home.

a. luckb. luckying c. luckily d. luckless

14. it’s necessary for us students hard.

a. to wook b. working c. workd. works

15. her illness was serions than we thought at first.

a. much more b. more much c. muchd. more or less

16. i;m trying to sell my car but nobody in buying it.

a. is interesting b. interested c. interests d. is interested

17. i used to watch tv or with my freinds.

a. to chatb. chatting c. chatd. chatted

18. you lookyou’d better h**e a lest now.

a. happyb. wellc. strongd. tired

19. watching tv too much is bad our eyes.

a. withb. onc. atd. for

20. no one likes him .

a. stillb. neverc. anymore d. too



he alwaysto sleephis bedroom light


you afraidalone.


she to a girl.


people’s lifea lot in theyears.


ito bethe


the questionwhere wethis


he missed the dayslived


she isenglish songs now.


whatdid youlike to do when you were a child?


九年级英语复习测试题 含答案

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