
发布 2022-02-07 15:59:28 阅读 1830

1、there __an art festival in the small town next month.

a. will be

b. is going to h**e

c. will h**e

d. are going to h**e答案】 a

解析】 考查there be的将来时结构。there be 和h**e不能同时使用在一个句子,排除b、d选项,主语an art festival为单数,故选a答案。

i often h**e hamburgers for lunch.

you’d better. it’s bad for you __too much junk food.

a. eat

b. to eat

c. eating

d. ate

答案】 b

解析】 动词不定式。it为形式主语,动词不定式to eat too much junk food 作真正的主语。

there __some salad on the plate.

a. isb. are

c. am

d. be答案】 a解析】

salad 沙拉,不可数名词,故答案为a。

my pen pal andrew found it difficult __chinese well

a. learning

b. learn

c. to learn

d. learned

答案】 c

解析】 考查习惯用法“find it + adj. to do sth.

i think __very important for students to study by themselves in the school or at home.

选项】a. it

b. this

c. that

d. 以上答案均正确。答案】 a

解析】 it 做的是形式宾语,“to do”不定式为正式的宾语,故选a。

i'm not good at english. i think it's not easy __foreign language well.

a. learn

b. to learn

c. learned

d. learning答案】 b

解析】 it’s +形容词+动词不定式it 为形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式。根据句意可知选b。

an important meeting this afternoon .please don’t be late.

a. there is has

b. there will h**e

c. there are going to be

d. there is going to be答案】 d

解析】 考查there be的将来时结构。there be 和h**e不能同时使用在一个句子,排除a,b选项,主语an important meeting为单数,故选d答案。

there __an eraser and two pencils in his pencil-box.

a. are

b. has

c. were

d. is答案】 d解析】

考查there be 句型的就近原则。因为an eraser离be动词更近,故选d答案。

thereseveral trees in front of my house last year.

a. is

b. are

c. was

d. were答案】 d

解析】 考查there be句型,主语是several trees,故用are或were;从时间状语last year可知,用一般过去时最为合适。

oh,your bike is so beautiful. i like __very much and want to buy __

a. one, it

b. it, one

c. it, it

d .one, one

答案】 b

解析】 考查代词。it指的是上文所提到的 your bike,one则指的是同类当中的一个。根据句意故选择b。

what time___

eleven o’clock.

a. are they

b.is it

c.is this

d.is that答案】 b

解析】 it可以指代时间。故答案选b。

listen! someone is knocking at the door. who __

he she

you it答案】 d

解析】 it指代不定指的人。故选d。

how far is the library from here?

10 kilometers away.isis

areis 答案】 d

解析】 本题中代词it指代距离。故答案为d。

___lucky for her to h**e such a lovely sister.is is

isare答案】 c

解析】 it 作形式主语,to h**e such a lovely sister为真正的主语。对于她来说有那样一个可爱的妹妹真是幸运。

i think __impossible to finish the work on time.

a. itb. this

c. that

d. those答案】 a

解析】 it 作形式宾语,to finish the work on time为真正的宾语。我认为按时完成这工作是不可能的。故选择a。

he is___honest boy that we all trust him.

a. so a

b. such a

c. so an

d. such an

答案】 d

解析】 考查状语从句。so +adj./adv +that 从句,such +adj. +n+ that 从句,honest为元音开头的单词,所以要用an.故选d答案。

he isthat he can work out the problem easily.

a. such clever

b. very clever

c. so clever

d. too clever答案】 c

解析】 考查状语从句。 so …that 如此…以至于…,引导结果状语从句。

he spoke loudly __you could hear him clearly

a. in order to

b. but

c. so that

d. because答案】 c

解析】 考查状语从句。so that引导目的状语从句,以便,为了。in order to 虽然表示目的,但是接词而不是句子。

but但是,表转折,because 则引导原因状语从句。所以答案为c。

the old man is __to walk on.

a very weak

b so weak

c too weak

d really weak

答案】 c

解析】 考查too.. to句型,太…而不能…。本句的意思是:老人太虚弱了,不能继续走了。

there is no money for them __these disabled people, so they are __

选项】a. helping, worry

b. to help, worried

c. to help, worry

d. help, worried答案】b

答案】 解析】

考查there is no money to do 句型,没钱做…。be worried,感到焦虑,担心。故选b。

i don’t know___next.

a. what to do

b. how to do

c. where to do

d. what to do it答案】 a

解析】 考查特殊疑问词引导不定式。what to do 做什么,how 表方式,to do后面应该带宾语。根据句意可知选a。

he___in the country, now he getsin the big city .

a. used to living , used to live

b. used to live , used to living

c. use to live , use to living

d. used to live , used to live答案】 b

解析】 考查used to do 过去常常做… ,be /get used to doing 习惯于做…,故选b答案。

i __believe doing chores __easy.

a. ,isn’t

b. don’t ,is

c. do, isn’t

d. don’t, isn’t


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