
发布 2022-01-21 09:26:28 阅读 9530




、听音辨图, 判断所听到的句子是否与图意相符,相符画“√”不符画“×”


it’s hers.

) no, i’m not.

) yes, he is.

) it’s in autumn.

) yes, i can.



)i’ve gotpoints.

)you should be

)shewalk then.

)there is ain the desk.


笔试部分(65分) 新课标第一网。

、选择。 )1、thereonly a slide here before.

a、were b、was c、is d、are

)2、a: hi, linda. is this blue shirt yours?

b: yes, it’sthank you.

a、yours b、hers c、mine d、his

)3、youlisten in class.

a、shouldn’t b、should c、couldn’t

)4、sam’s shoeswet and dirty.

a、are b、was c、is

)5、many english supermarkets are very big. they __different things.

a、sells b、sell c、has got


1、 should , your, tidy , you , toys连词成句)

2、 there weren’t any swings here before. (肯定句)

3、 can you play chess now? (一般过去时)

4、 she will learn english tomorrow . 用be going to改写成同义句 )


1、what do you wanta、they scare the people.

2、what do children do at halloweenb、i want a skirt.

3、can you play computerc、that’s ok.

4、what are you going to do tomorrow? d、yes, i can.

5、 i’m sorrye、we’re going to play football


yesterday, it __1___raining . zara __2___go out. she stayed at home.

she was sad. she helped her mum __3___a cake. after that, she was hungry, she __4__the cake with mum.

she was __5___she drank some water. then the rain___6___zara went out to play and she was___7___

1、 a、isb、wasc、can

2、 a、could b、can’t c、couldn’t

3、 a、make b、eatc、buy

4、 a、eatb、atec、eating

5、 a、angry b、hungry c、thirsty

6、 a、stoped b、stopc、stopped

7、 a、happy b、bored c、sad

、阅读理解, 选择最佳答案。

hi! my name is wang hua. i’m twelve years old.

i’m a pupil in yucai school. i’m in class three, grade five. this is my school usually get up at six o’clock in the morning, and then i h**e breakfast at half past six.

i go to school at 7:00. i walk to school every day.

my school starts at 7:30. we h**e four lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon.

my f**ourite subject is english. we sit in lines in the classroom. we often do morning exercises.

we can h**e fun at break time. we play games together on the playground. school finishes at half past four in the afternoon and i go home at 5:

00. after dinner i do my homework and then i go to bed at ten o’ is my school day. we should study hard every day.

) 1、wang hua ispupil.

a、a chinese b、an english

) 2、wang hua has breakfast at

a、7:30 b、7:00 c、6:30 d、 6:00

) 3、we h**elessons in a day.

a、four b、eight c、six

) 4、we sitin the classroom.

a、around tables b、in lines c、in a line

) 5、wang hua goes to school

a、on foot b、by bus c、by car



hello! i’m a boy. now, i’m twelve years old.

i’m in class 1, grade 5. when i was a little child, my dad took some photos for me then. in this photo, i was 6 years old.

i could sing a song , but i couldn’t swim then. now i can swim well, but i can’t speak english a lot, i should study hard.


白沙小学2009 2010学年度第二学期。小学五年级数学月考 一 分数乘法长方体 一 分数除法 一 填空题 2 9个是 3里面有 个。3 a的是12,那么a等于 5 在里填上 或 符号。8 如果 a b 0 那么 比较大。填a或b 9 网状阴影面积占大长方形面积的 10 某班男生是24人,女生26人...


姓名分数。一口算 每小题2分 0.125 83 0.2 42.5 4 3.6 1.20.72 0.93 85.6 1.44.8 0.44.4 4二填空 每小题2分 1.0 043扩大100倍是8 7缩小到原来的是0 087。3 0 5时分 1时30分时。4 像0.等,能被2整除的数叫。...


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