
发布 2022-01-21 09:00:28 阅读 4153

五年级测试题module 1

一、 把下列单词按画线部分的发音归类。

stay party day rain autumn star warm eia

二、 补全单词。

hse au our___d ea ee

b___s a uwte ri ir

三、 写出下列单词的过去式。



)1. there weren`t __buses.

a. some b. a lot of c. any

) 2. we __in a small house four years ago.

a. don`t b. didn`t c. doesn`t

) 3. we___h**e enough food ten years ago.

a. don`t b. didn`t c. doesn`t

)4. –where were you three days ago

a. i am in england b. i is in england c. i was in england

)5. –what did you do there

a. i cooked on a fire b. he is cooking on fire c. i cook on a fire


)1. 当你想告诉别人你过去住在一所小屋里,该怎么说?

a. i live in a small house b. i live in a big house. c. i lived in a small house

)2. 当你想知道对方两年前在哪儿,该怎么问?

a. where are you two years ago?

b. what were you two years ago ?

c. where were you two years ago?

)3. 当你想知道对方昨天干了什么,该怎么问?

a. what did you do yesterday?

b. what do you do yesterday?

c. what did you do tomorrow?


1. were any there not televisions

2. are of lots there cars buses and

3. didn`t television a or h**e she a radio

七翻译。1. 四年前那儿有一所小房子。他住在里面。

2. 昨天我和我的孙子们看电视了。

module 2

一、 按要求写出下列各词。


3. see (过去式4. this(复数形式。

(所有格6. now (反义词。


door chair bear glass draw pass

a:s二、 选择填空。

)1. did your grandma __english ?

a. learnb. learntc. learnes

) 2. -what __he do yesterday? -he made a cake.

a. dob. isc. did

)3. –is this your grandma? -yes

a. she did b. it isc. she is

)4. five years ago, heto school.

a. walkedb. goc. walk

)5. chen jie is __english teacher.

a. ab. thec. an


1. did she yesterday what do ?

2. she wearing why is clothes these ?

3. goes school to bus he by now

4. lots china cities of danced she in

四、 情景交际。

)1.当你知道aumy 昨天做了什么,你该怎么问?

a. what do you do? b. what did you do yesterday? are you do?


a. who is he ? b. who are they? c. who did they do ?

) 3. 你想知道aumy 的妈妈是不是学过英语,该怎么问?

a. did your mother learn english ?

b. did you learn english ?

c. did your father learn english ?

五、 根据实际情况,回答问题。

1. did your grandpa learn english ?

2. what did you do yesterday ?

3. what did your father do yesterday ?

4. what is your mother doing now ?


一. 写单词。

1.鱼2. 蛋3. 蛋糕。

二、 把下列单词按画线部分的读音归类。

see head teacher bed hear ear bear pearie i


1. –what did you h**e for breakfast ?(鸡蛋、香肠)


白沙小学2009 2010学年度第二学期。小学五年级数学月考 一 分数乘法长方体 一 分数除法 一 填空题 2 9个是 3里面有 个。3 a的是12,那么a等于 5 在里填上 或 符号。8 如果 a b 0 那么 比较大。填a或b 9 网状阴影面积占大长方形面积的 10 某班男生是24人,女生26人...


姓名分数。一口算 每小题2分 0.125 83 0.2 42.5 4 3.6 1.20.72 0.93 85.6 1.44.8 0.44.4 4二填空 每小题2分 1.0 043扩大100倍是8 7缩小到原来的是0 087。3 0 5时分 1时30分时。4 像0.等,能被2整除的数叫。...


第一部分 基础知识。一 想一想,填一填 14分 46 0.4的积是 位小数。8.4 0.04的商的最高位在 位。3636 保留两位小数约是 保留三位小数约是 3 计算1044 0.725时,要把除数变成整数,小数点向 移动 25时 分 3.6公顷 平方米。5 方程13 x 7的解是 6 正方形的面积...