
发布 2022-01-08 18:36:28 阅读 1162

初三英语组复习学案(7b unit6)


1. 十二只老鼠 twelve mice 2. 玩有趣的把戏 do wonderful tricks

3. 追赶 chase / run after 4. 直到永远 until the end 5. 一天一次once a day

6. 眼睛睁得大大的with eyes open wide 7. 整天the whole day 8. 鱼缸fish tank

9. 安静be quiet 10. 做某事的正确方法the right way to do 11. 在太阳下in the sun

12. 在…..底部 at the bottom of13. 我自己的房间 my own room [**:21世纪教育网。

14. 看起来一样look the same15. 四条金鱼four goldfish

16. 一只叫埃迪的狗a dog called / named eddie17. 在边缘on the edge

18. 在中间in the middle19. 喂他吃东西feed sb. sth.

20. 盘弄球play with balls21. 按门铃ring the doorbell

22. 敲门 knock at / on the door 23. 带它散步walk it 24. 保持温暖keep warm

25. 一周三次three times a week26. 看起来有点不同look a little different

27. 用…..拴住be on a lead28. 游来游去 swim around


祈使句:以动词原形开头,无人称,其否定在句首加“don’t ”

如:don’t open the door

should “应当”是shall 的过去式形式,在此处可表示“职责,责任”

等同于“ought to do ”

must “一定, 必须”语气强烈同于“ h**e to do ”


1not make) any noise in the classroom .

2. i h**e a pet catcall ) mimi .

3. when someonering) the bell , eddiebark)

4. you should walk your dogtwo) a week .

5. it’s hard for tomcook) for himself .

6. these shoes needrepair) .

7. i want to keep the pethealth) .

8. must i go home now ? 根据要求回答) yesno

9. you should walk your dog once a day .

10. i can look after my sister well . 同意句) i canmy sister .

初三英语组复习资料(7b unit5配套练习)


1. i often teach my parrots说话) .

2. she never担心) because she can look after herself well .

3. it’s ito make a lot of噪音) in the public places .

4. sh ! someone is敲) at the door .

5. i bought a newand i willmy dog everyday . 刷子)21世纪教育网。

6. it’s必要的) to read english every day .

7. a fantail goldfish重) about four grams .

8. my grandpa often fgive food to) his pet tree times a day .

9. please带) me your photos .

10. who isclever) girl in your class ?

11. do you know fish sleep with eyesclose) .

12. it’s a good ideasee) a film tonight .

13i) own goldfish likes to eat peas .

14. i’ll teachthey) english and they teachi) chinese .[**:21世纪教育网。

15. pleasesit) here andwait) .21世纪教育网。

16. it’s importantnot give) them too much food .

17. be quiet ! you’re toonoise) .

18. yesterday i watched themplay) football when i passed there .21世纪教育网。

19. the lovely dog likesrun after) a ball in the garden .


) want to borrow a book __animals. a. with b. in c. of d. about

) 2. _volleyball here, _you may break the windows.

a. play ; or b. don’t play ; or c. play ; so d. don’t play ; so

) 3. animals don’t like __cages.

a. live in b. live c. living in d. living

) 4. i’m hungry, _me my lunch.

a. take b. bring c. show d. help

) 5. you __feed you dog at table.

a. ought b. ought not to c. ought to not d. don’t ought to

) 7. _big fish they are!

a. what b. how c. what a d. how a

) 8. i __go to bed __my father came back.

a. won’t, until b. didn’t, until c. will, until d. /when

) 9. he likes singing, _he doesn’t sing well.

a. and b. but c. sod. or

)10.--did you ask anyone __the goldfish ? yes , i had the gold fish __

a. feed ; fed b. to feed ; fed c. fed ; fed d. to feed ; to feed

)11. -this is a “ no smoking ” sign . can’t you see it ? sorry , i __it

a. could see b. won’t see c. didn’t see d. don’t see

)12. you don’t needcats because they are very lazy .

a. walk b. to walk c. walking d. walked

)13. man can’t live without air __water .

a. and b. with c. or d. in

)14music it is !


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