
发布 2021-06-24 13:27:28 阅读 1530


178. .the panda is so fat that it can't go through the hole.(改为意思相同的句子)

the holesuch a fat panda to go through.( is,too,small,for)

too +形容词/副词(for sb)to do…"(太……而不能……)和"enough (for sb) to do…"(足以、足够……做……)结构中,不定式作结果状语。

199. 1. mr li said,“don’t make such a mistake again, tim.

”(改为间接引语)mr li told jimsuch a mistake again.

not to make。直接引语为否定祈使句时,若改为间接引语,用ask / tell sb not to do sth句型,注意其中的don’t改成了not to。

didn’t she pass the exam? i want to know...改为含宾语从句的复合句)i want to knowpass the exam

why, she didn’t。注意宾语从句的词序与陈述句的词序相同,所以要说she didn’t。 father asked him,“h**e you packed your things?

”(改为间接引语)jack’s father asked him __he __packed his things.

if, had。将一般疑问句的直接引语改为间接引语,就是将其改为一个以if(是否)引导的宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,主句中的谓语动词是过去式时,宾语从句的谓语动词也用过去式。

up, or you’ll miss the early bus. (改为含条件状语从句的复合句hurrymiss the early train.

if you, you will。“祈使句+and / or+陈述句”句型中的祈使句就相当于一个if引导的条件状语从句。注意:

改写时因为前面用了连词if,后面的连词and / or要去掉。

text is very difficult. i can’t understand it. (合并为同义句)this text is __difficult for me __understand.

too,to。因为too…to…意为“太……而不能……”正好与前面的意思相吻合。另外,改写后的句子也可说成the text is so difficult that i can’t understand it.

there are __trees,the air in our city will be __cleaner.(more/fewer/much)横线后trees是可数名词的复数形式,只能在修饰名词的复数的fewer和more中选择,根据句意选择“更多more”;而后面cleaner往往学生会以为是个不可数名词而选择much,其实后面是clean个形容词,而且其后er表示它是形容词的比较级,只有much才能修饰形容词的比较级。

上句中mean作动词,下句中meaning作名词,固定搭配:“the meaning of……的意思”,学生容易想到meaning,而忽视了后面的介词的搭配,容易写成:off/for

study hard and your dream学生看到了”and”会以为是前后动词时态对照,会写cometrue/comestrue,选willcometrue,是因为它是以下句子的缩略:ifyoustudyhard,yourdreamwillcome true

when martin visited beijing for the first time,hethe city.大多数学生容易写成:was falling in love with/falling in love with分析:

句中有when还有暗示visited,学生很容易联想到第三单元的从句,而选择上面的答案。fell in love with“爱上”,是暂时性动词,应该选用一般过去时。


178.the panda is so fat that it can t go through the hole.改为意思相同的句子 the holesuch a fat panda to go through.is,too,small,for too 形容词 副词 for sb to do 太 ...


12.i do well in playing football我妹妹也行。a.so my sister does b.so does my sister li lei is really a football fan确实这样。a.so is he b.so he is 析 so be动词 助动词 ...

初中英语易错题汇总大全 单项选择题

12.i do well in playing football我妹妹也行。a.so my sister does b.so does my sister li lei is really a football fan确实这样。a.so is he b.so he is 析 so be动词 助动词 ...