初中英语易错题分析 二

发布 2021-04-09 14:54:28 阅读 4895

1. and

误] he did not speak loudly and clearly.

正] he did not speak loudly nor clearly.

误] our school is not in new york and chicago, but in boston.

正] our school is not in new york or chicago, but in boston.

析] “和”这一概念在肯定句中应用and,但在否定句中则要用or

2. angry

误] my mother was angry to me.

正] my mother was angry with me.

误] he was angry with what i said.

正] he was angry at what i said.

析] 要注意be angry后面如果接人,表示“对某人生气不满”时应用be angry with somebody. 但要接事物时要用be angry at something.

3. another

误] i h**e two sisters, one in america and another in english.

正] i h**e two sisters, one in america and the other in english.

析] 要注意英语中another, other, the other, the others, others的不同用法,现分别说明如下:another作形容词其意为:泛指的另一个或再一个,别的,类似的。

一般在句中作定语,如:this is not good enough, please show me another one. another还可以作为代词用,如:

one student said:"i want to play baseball." another said:

"i want to play football." other作形容词其意为“泛指其余的,别的”。如:

i h**e other books besides these. 又如:ask some other people please.

the other则为特指,作形容词时其后面可接单数或复数名词,如:she has two flowers. one is white, the other one is yellow.

(特指,单数)又如:there are fifty students in our class, twenty five are boys, the other students are girls.(特指,复数)但当the other作为代词时,它代表的可以是单数,也可以是复数,如:

he has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other. (单数)又如:there are some people in the room.

four are girls, the other(复数)are boys. 要注意的是当the other作主语时,其后面的谓语动词要视具体情况而定,它可能是单数,也可能是复数。others则只能作代词,其意为other ones即为:

泛指某些,某一部分人或物,如:each of us must think of others. 而the others只能作为代词,它是特指某一些人或物,如:

i know only one or two of the students; the others are unknown to me.

4. answer

误] someone is knocking at the door. please reply the door bell.

正] someone is knocking at the door, please answer the door bell.

析] answer与reply是近义词,作为及物动词用时有时二者是可以互换的,如:the student answered / replied that he wanted to watch tv. 但在某些特定场合则不易互换。

作为应答之意时则多用answer,如:you should answer to your name. please answer my letter as soon as possible.

answer my question in english.

5. any

误] do you h**e some questions?

正] do you h**e any questions?

析] some一般要用于肯定句,而any则用于否定句或疑问句。

误] china is larger than any other countries in asia.

正] china is larger than any other country in asia.

析] 要注意any other 其后要跟单数名词,但any of the other 其后要接复数名词。china is larger than any of the other countries in asia.

误] here are some books; you can choose anyone of these.

正] here are some books; you can choose any one of these.

析] anyone只能指人,而any one即可指人也可以指物。

6. around

误] the nine planets go around of the sun.

正] the nine planets go around the sun.

析] around后面不要再加介词,如:the sun shines all around us.

around round

作介词用的around与round通常可以互换,只不过美语常用around,而英语常用round,例如:you can see the post office round / around that corner. 绕过那个弯你就可以看到邮局。


the post office is just round (around) the house.(用作介词)he has round face.(用作形容词)the river rounded the stones.


7. arrive

误] i arrived beijing the day before yesterday.

正] i arrived in beijing the day before yesterday.

正] i reached beijing the day before yesterday.

误] he arrived in the school at 11∶00.

正] he arrived at the school at 11∶00.

析] arrive为不及物动词,当到达的是较大的地理区域时用介词in,而到达较小的地方时则用at, 如:arrive in new york, arrive at the village.

arrive, reach, get

arrive如上所述是不及物动词,而reach则是及物动词。如:how did you reach the school this morning?

而get可用作不及物动词,作“到达”讲时其后面多与to连用。如:when did you get to new york?

8. as误] this man works in the bank for a manager.

正] this man works in the bank as a manager.

析] as与for有时是可以通用的。如:this room is used as (for) a classroom. 但是用来指官衔、职位时只能用as.

误] my brother is so taller as tom.

正] my brother is as tall as tom.

析] as...as之间只能用形容词与副词的原级,而不能用比较级。在否定句中可以用so...


he is not so tall as tom.

误] i'll give him the note as soon as he will come.

正] i'll give him the note as soon as he comes.

析] as soon as所引导的状语从句中应使用一般时态表示将来。

9. ask

误] the student asked a question to the teacher.

正] the student asked the teacher a question.

析] ask应接双宾语,即ask somebody something.

误] they asked some books.

正] they asked for some books.

析]向某人要求某物时应用ask somebody for something或ask for something from somebody, 如:he asked his mother for some money. 或he asked for some money from his mother.

10. asleep

误] he is deeply asleep.

正] he is fast asleep.

析]要讲“熟睡”,就要用fast来修饰asleep。另外,在英语中一般不讲somebody is sleeping而要用asleep。关于睡觉这一词的惯用法还有:

go to sleep(如:the old man usually goes to sleep at ten.),fall asleep(如:

i fell asleep at english class yesterday.)

1. beside

误]the students stood besides the teacher.

正]the students stood beside the teacher.

误]i study english beside chinese.

正]i study english besides chinese.


beside, by near

beside意为“在……旁”,如:there is a tall tree beside the river. by多指“倚、靠”、“沿着”之意,如:

she is standing by the window. near多用来表示两地间距离不远,如:there is a post office near our school.


初中英语易错介词题集锦。isthe east of china.a.in b.to c.on d.at 答案 b in 表示在范围里的,on表示紧挨着的 to 表示在范围以外的 postman shouted,mr green,here is a letter you.a.to b.from c.f...

初中英语易错题 翻译

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