
发布 2021-06-24 13:02:28 阅读 2986




he goes to work on foot, doesn’t he?

2, 反义疑问句部分主语及谓语的确定。


1)当陈述部分的主语为this, that,则用it. 当these,those时,则用they。

this is a green jeep, isn’t it?

those aren’t banana trees, are they?

2)当陈述部分为i am形式时, 附加问句用aren’t i.

i’m right, aren’t i?

3)当陈述部分是there be结构时,用be there.

there was an english film yesterday, wasn’t there?

4)当陈述部分有never, seldom, no, few, little, nothing, nobody, hardly, none, too…to..等表示你否定意义的词时,反义疑问部分用肯定形式。

he seldom goes to the cinema, does he?

5),如果陈述部分含有表示否定意义的由前词缀或后缀构成的词(dislike, unfair, unhappy, careless, unlike, impossible, impolite, impossible等),疑问部分用否定形式。

she dislikes the idea, doesn’t she?

it’s unfair, isn’t it?


1)当陈述部分的主语为everthing, nothing, anything, something等指事/物的不定代词时,疑问部分主语用it, 而不用they。

everything is in good order, isn’t it?

2)当陈述部分中的主语为everybody, everyone, anyone, nobody, none, no one等指人的不定代词时,疑问部分的主语通常用they或he代替。

somebody wants to see you, doesn’t he/ don’t they?



jim has a new radio, doesn’t he/ hasn’t he?


all of the students had a nice time, didn’t they?

3)h**e to表示‘不得不,必须’,疑问部分用do.

kate has to helo his father on the farm, doesn’t she?

4)had better表示‘最好’, 疑问部分用had.

we’d better not tell her about that, had we?


lucy has ever been to japan, hasn’t she?

8)当陈述部分有need时,如need为行为动词,疑问部分用do, 如need用作情态动词,则用need。

mr. green needs to go to a watch shop, doesn’t he?

you don’t need to work so late, do you?

you neen’t make such loud noise, need you?

9)当陈述部分含有情态动词must时, 有下列几种情况:


you must go back right now, needn’t you?


he must be in the classroom, isn’t he?

you must h**e finished your homework, h**en’t you?

10)肯定的祈使句的附加问句可用will you, 也可用won’t you. 否定的祈使句的附加问句用will you.

come to school early next time, will you?

don’t shout at your brother, will you?

11)以let’s 开头的祈使句, 用shall we。 而以let us开头的祈使句,则用will you.

let’s go, shall we?(包括听话人在内)

let us go now, will you?(不包括听话人在内)


she said he would come tomorrow, didn’t she?

注:若主句的主语是第一人称i/we, 其谓语动词又是think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine时,则反义疑问部分的主语和谓语一般应与从句一致(应特别注意否定的转移)


对反义疑问句做回答时,其回答方式与一般疑问句的回答方式一致。若答案是肯定的,则用yes, 后跟肯定形式的简略答语,若答案是否定的,则用no, 后面跟否定形式的简略答语。


1) he didn’t come to school yesterday, did he?他昨天没来学校,是吗?

yes, he did. 不,他来了。(他来学校了)

no, he didn’t. 是的,他没来。(他没有来学校)

2) he didn’t get any help, did he? 他没得到任何帮助,是吗?

yes, he did. 不, 他得到了。(他得到帮助了)

no, he didn’t. 是的, 他没得到。(他没得到帮助))


反义疑问句。1,反义疑问句的基本形式。常见的反义疑问句分为前肯后否和前否后肯两种形式,即如果陈述部分是肯定结构,反义疑问句部分就用否定结构,反之亦然。反义疑问句部分主要用代词,并与前句主语一致谓语动词在人称,数,和时态上也要与前句一致。he goes to work on foot,doesn t ...

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名师讲解 选择疑问句。选择疑问句是指提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择的句式。一种是以一般疑问句的结构形式为基础,只是在语调上有所区别。这一类选择疑问句通常都是在前一个供选择的答案用低升调,后一个用降调 如果有两个以上供选择的答案,则在最后一个用降调,其余都用低升调。解析 would you l...


互圃团圜困。山东杨善红。反意疑问句是中考测试的热点之一。为帮助同学们应对这方面的试题,下面结合中考真题对反意疑问句的考点进行归纳总结,希望对同学们有所帮助。一。对附加疑问部分中的主语的考查。一 附加疑问部分的主语一般应同陈述部分的主语保持一致。如果陈述部分的主语是人名或物名,那么附加疑问部分的主语应...