
发布 2021-06-23 10:33:28 阅读 8521



一) 完成时间。


1. jack wants to go on with his study in德国).

2. uncle wang is an工程师) of this company.

3. the highest山) in the world is qomolangma (珠穆朗玛峰).

4. i很少) go to bed after 11 o'clock at night.

5. i always want to h**e a吉他).

6. there is a乐队) in my brother's school.

7. on friday afternoon, we like playing basketball一起) after school.

8. do you want to buy some vegetables with me in the市场)?

9. the teacher tells us that每个人) should help others.

10. do you know there is a地理) class this afternoon?


11. gis very important in learning english.

12. i live in one of those fover there.

13. lily doesn't know how to write a good english a

14. tom, you look so tired! you need a short bnow.

15. the beautiful girl ra bicycle to her friend's home.

16. there are many foreigners from all over the win our school.

17. even a good basketball player needs pevery day.

18. the teacher asks me to cthis task with tom.

19. reading novels is the only hof lily.

20. i am the youngest in my' family. i h**e two ebrothers.,

二) 完成时间。


1. we all live on e

2. it is a good design (设计) pfor us to learn.

3. this morning, we h**e a qabout maths.

4. we must pourselves because there are many dangerous things.

5. today, it's my turn to make a ron studying.


6. the arm is a部分) of our body.

7. there are many plants on the陆地).

8. there are many kinds of vegetables(蔬菜)in the田野).

9. the box is too大的) for you to carry.

10. the country提供) people with fruit.

11. there is a lot of污染) in this city.

12. i h**e no能量) to go on running!



there are manyin china.


what do youthe earth?


this exam is veryme.


things in the house, because it's dangerous.


youto bed on time.


father tells me notbirds.


i h**e many booksare interesting andare boring.


we must, ,

三) 完成时间。


1. we don't go out today, because the sun shines too明亮地).

2. when i get up this morning, i find it is下雪的).

3. he is studying in our school. and he is from澳大利亚).

4. the light照耀) in his eyes and he can't see anything.

5. without rain, the land becomes very干燥的).

6. it is raining. if you don't take an umbrella, you will get w

7. he likes to ka ball with his friends.

8. when he was young, he lived in a small twith his parents.

9. children in china usually play happily dthe spring festival.

10. the strong wind bsome sand (沙子) into my eyes.


11. 今年冬季我想要到昆明旅行。

i want toto kunming this winter.

12. 他们到海滩野餐。

theyon the beach.

13. 我喜欢雪,因为我喜欢滑冰,还能堆雪人。

i like snow because i enjoy skating and i can

14. 杰克花时间陪他年幼的女儿看书和看电影。

jackhis young daughter reading books and watching movies.

15. 努力学习非常重要。

it's veryhard.

16. 上周日我和父母出去放风筝。

i went out towith my parents last sunday.

17. 我们经常在每年的这个时候寄些贺卡给我们的朋友。

we often send postcards to our friends


it is so hot today! let'stogether!

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