
发布 2020-02-28 20:45:28 阅读 4662






一、听力测试(共20 分)

.听录音,选择能回答你所听到的问题的正确答案。听两遍。(共5小题, 满分5分)

) 1. a. she is miss gaob. alicec. his name is peter.

) 2. a. he’s in class 4b. he’s very oldc. he’s thirteen.

) 3. a. he’s twelveb. she’s in class 1c. he’s in class 2.

) 4. a. she’s at school today. b. a teacherc. he’s on the playground.

) 5. a. it’s under the bedb. they are under the bed. d. he’s under the bed.

. 听录音,选择与你所听到的内容相符的图画。听两遍。(共5小题, 满分5分)


)11. how is peter today?

a. he’s not happyb. he’s finec. he’s happy.

)12. what’s the girl’s name?

a. she’s lilyb. she’s sallyc. she’s millie.

)13. are lily and nick classmates?

a. no, they aren’tb. they aren’t classmates c. yes, they are.

)14. who’s the boy on the right in the photo?

a. he’s andy’s twin brotherb. he’s lily’s cousin.

c. he’s lily’s twin brother.

)15. what’s joe’s uncle?

a. he’s a teacherb. he’s a doctorc. he’s a student.

. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。听三遍。(5分)

)16. where does kate work?

a. in a shopb. in a schoolc. on a bus.

)17. what does she h**e for breakfast?

a. some bread and milk. b. some cakes and milk. c. some chocolates and coke.

)18. how does she go to work?

a. by bikeb. on footc. by bus.

)19. how many hours does she work on a weekday?

a. nineb. eightc. six.

)20. what does she like?

a. new shoesb. new clothesc. new school.


选择题 . 基础选择( 20分):

) books areare in __bags.

a. my. you, you b. my, yours, your

c. mine, your, yours d. mine, yours, your

) you like __your mother cook supper?

a. helping b. to help c. help d. helping

) tom __right away.

a. go home b. to go home c. goes home d. goes to home

)4.--may i h**e some milk?

---sorry, we h**e __left(剩下).

a. few b. a few c. little d. a little

) with his classmates __an english lesson now.

a. has b. h**e c. are h**ing d. is h**ing

)6 .could you___a message __him?

a. take, to b. give, to .c. le**e, from d. give, for

) is __the blackboard, but she can’t __the words on it.

a. looking at, see b. seeing, look at c. seeing, see d. looking at, look at

) would like some meat and fruit __lunch.

a. to b. in c. of d. for

_)you please __her __me back?

a. ask, to call b. ask, call c. to ask, call d. to ask, to call

) at the boys. they __games at school.

a. play b. playing c. are play d. are playing

) 11. a

b: nice to see you, too.

a. nice to see you. b. how are you?

c. how do you do! d. see you later

) 12. a: here you are.

ba. that’s right. b. let me see. c. thanks. d. yes , i like it

) 13. a

b: he’s tall.

a. is the boy tall or short? b. is the boy tall?

c. is the boy short? d. how old is he ?

) 14. a: would you like an egg and some fish?

ba. no, please, i’m full. b. that’s a good idea.

c. no, thanks. d. you are ok

) 15. a: thank you, kangkang.

ba. not at all. b. of course. c. i think so. d . don’t say that

)16.-what’s your f**orite___basketball

a. sport b. color c. subject d. movie

) 17.-may i help you

a. no, you can’t. b. yes, please. c. yes, you can. d. sorry.

)18.__the man? he is kate’s father.-

a. what’s. b. who’s c. whose’s

)19.-what color is it?-it’s orange. it’s orange pen.

a. a, anc. and. ×an

)20.-what you doing?

-i’m a book.

seeing b. are, looking c. do, watching d. are, reading


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2016 2017学年上期寒假英语作业。高一中专 85分以上 1.看两部英文电影。2.抄写1 5单元单词表单词,英文3遍,中文1遍。3.预习6单元。60 84分 1.抄写1 5单元单词表单词,英文5遍,中文2遍。2.抄写1 5单元每单元对话3遍。3.预习6单元。60分以下 1.抄写1 5单元单词表单...