
发布 2020-02-28 20:41:28 阅读 3677

寒假作业(unit 3)



out for dinner 出去吃饭 out late 在外面待到很晚 to the movies 去看电影。

a ride 搭车 on 从事 doing sth. 完成做某事 and tidy 干净整洁。

the dishes 洗餐具 out the rubbish 倒垃圾 your/the clothes 叠衣服。

the floor 扫地 your/the bed 整理床铺 the liv一ng room 打扫客厅。

problem 没问题 sb. 欢迎某人 home from school/ work放学/下班回家。

down 扔下 down 坐下 over 过来 sb. for a walk 带某人去散步。

the time 一直;总是 day/evening 整曰/夜 house work 做家务。

back 大声回应 away 走开 the housework 分担家务。

comfortable home 一个舒适的家 surprise 惊讶地 something to drink 拿点喝的东西。

one show **一个节目 out 闲逛 sb. sth. 把某物传给某人。

sb. sth. 把某物借给某人 sth. wet 使某物弄湿 to do sth. 讨厌做某事。

chores 做杂务 sb. (to ) d o /with sth帮助某人干某事 a tent带顶帐篷来。

some snacks买些小吃 to the store去商店 sb. to a party邀请某人参加聚会。

sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 stress足够的压力 of time浪费时间。

order to为了 good grades取得好成绩 doing sth. 介意做某事。

on依赖;依靠 children ’ s independence发展孩子的独立性。

after/take care of 照顾;照看 one’ s part in (doing ) sth.做某人分内的事。

三、背熟section a的2d、3a和section b的2b,并由家长检查。(家长签字。

四、单选。1. —which do you like better, coffee or juiceof them. i like tea.

a. all b. both c. neither d. none

2.—can i___your bike? —with pleasure. but you mustn’tit to others.

a. lend; borrow b. borrow; lend c. lend; lend d. borrow; borrow

3. —great changes h**e taken placewe enter e-times. —yeah. i agree with you.

a. before b. as soon as c. when d. since

4. thanks for your invitation, but i’m so sorry i can’t go. i need to __my sister at home.

a. take away b. take off c. take care of d. take out of

5. —i’m not going swimming tomorrow afternooni h**e to clean up my bedroom.

a. so am i b. neither am i c. neither i am d. so i am

6. —could you please pass me the book

a. yes, i could b. no, i couldn’t c. sure. here you are d. no, that’s no problem

7. the local people like that restaurant because it __both delicious food and good service.

a. uses b. wants c. shares d. provides

8.—shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? —well, it all __the weather.

a. belongs to b. happens to c. depends on d. concentrates on

9. —why are you so excited? —alan invited me __on a trip to tibet.

a. to gob. go c. going d. went

10. —could i borrow your camerabut please give it back by saturday.

a. i am sorry b. of course c. certainly not d. no, thanks

11. —could i use your ipad? —yes, youa. could b. can c. must d. need

12. —could you __me your mp5? —of course. but please return it soon.

a. borrow b. pass c. lend d. give

13. how terrible the rubbish smells! pleasewhen you go out.

a. take it out b. take out it c. take them out d. take out them

14. nancy has two brothers, but __of them __a teacher.

a. both; is b. all; are c. neither; is d. neither; are

15. ben was working on a computermillie was reading a magazine.

a. until b. before c. after d. while

16. —could you provide some information __us about the vacation to sanya?—of course.

a. to b. for c. with d. of

17. john refused his friend’s invitation to the picnicgo to the movies with his family.

a. in order that b. in order to c. such that d. so that

18.__trees we planted, _pollution we h**e.

a. the more; the less b. the fewer; the less c. the less; the more d. the more; the more

19. some parents think students should __more time on their study.

a. take b. cost c. spend d. pay


greens are getting on well with his n___2. —can you go and play soccer with us, d**id?

sorry. my grandma is iin hospital. i h**e to look after her.

3. it is helpful to da good habit of reading in language learning.

4. i think food浪费)is a serious problem. we must care about it.

5. some people say they are under too much精神压力)from life.


三年级语文寒假作业。一 三年级下学期课标规定背诵的古诗词。1 王翰 凉州词 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?背过日期家长签字 2 王昌龄 出塞 秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山。背过日期家长签字 3.王昌龄 芙蓉楼送辛渐 寒雨连江夜入吴,...

寒假作业3 1

腊月二十四出题人 刘霞。读我国江南某地等高线图,该地山青水秀,水流常年奔腾不息,据图回答下列问题。1 b处陡崖的顶部与 处的相对高度可能是 a 80米b 120米 c 160米d 200米。2 图示地区有大小两个湖泊,其中有一个为瀑布长时期侵蚀而成,该湖泊可能是 abcd 3 当地村民发现图示地区山...

寒假作业 3答案

拔高班寒假作业 答案。班级 姓名 16.解 原式,由题意可得 当时,原式 17.若小明 求助 第一题 假设去掉错误选项 画树状图为 共有种等可能的结果数,其中两题全答对的结果数为,所以他顺利通关的概率,若小明 求助 第二题 假设去掉错误选项 画树状图为 共有种等可能的结果数,其中两题全答对的结果数为...