中考英语重点词组总结附中文详解及例句 初二全

发布 2021-06-20 06:52:28 阅读 6919


i. 重点短语。

1. on time按时, 准时。

2. best wishes最美好的祝愿。

3. give a talk做讲演(报告)

4. for example例如, 譬如。

5. short for简短的。

6. a waste of time浪费时间。

7. go on a field trip去野外旅行。

8. go fishing去钓鱼。

9. i agree我同意。

10. next week 下周。

11. the day after tomorrow 后天。

12. h**e a picnic去野餐。

13. h**e some problems doing sth. 有一些困难做某事。

14. go the wrong way采取正确[不正确]方法;办得得法[不得法]

15. hurry up (使)赶紧。

16. get together聚会; 联欢收集; 整理。

17. in the open air在户外。

18. on mid-autumn day 中秋节。

19. come over

1) 在上空〔上方〕经过

it's terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time.

住在机场附近吵死了, 飞机总是从上空不断通过。

2) 过来; 从远处来

come over! here's a seat for you.

过来, 这儿有个座位。

3) 顺便来访

you really must come over sometime and h**e dinner with us.

你确实应该找个时间过来, 跟我们一起吃顿饭。

4) 被理解并完全接受; 被通过

did his speech come over?


5) 逐渐变得

the sky came over dark as a thick cloud passed before the sun.

乌云蔽日, 天色一时昏暗起来。

6) 突然感到

she suddenly came over dizzy and had to lie down.

她突然感到头晕, 不得不躺下来。

20. h**e to不得不,只好。

21. get home 回家。

22. agree with与某人〔观点〕一致, 同意〔赞同〕某人的意见。

23. in the country在乡下。

24. in town在城里;

25. all the same尽管如此, 仍然。

26. in front of在…前面。

27. on the left/right side 在左/右边。

28. next to

1) 紧邻;在…近旁

2) 仅次于;紧接

3) 与…相比。

29. up and down上上下下。

30. keep healthy保持健康。

31. grow up长大, 成熟。

32. at the same time

1) 同时; 一起

all speak at the same time.


2) 但是; 然而

at the same time you must h**e sympathy.


33. the day before yesterday 前天。

35. last saturday 上周六。

36. half an hour ago半小时前。

37. a moment ago刚才。

38. just now刚才, 刚刚。

39. by the way顺便地, 附带说说,顺便提一下,捎带说一声,附带问一句。

40. all the time

1) 1.(在该段时间内)一直

i h**e been busy all the time.


2) 向来, 一向

he's a business man all the time.


41. at first起初, 当初。


i. 重点短语。

1. give a concert举行**会。

2. fall down

1) 倒塌; 跌倒

many buildings fell down during the earthquake.


2) 失败

his plans h**e fallen down.


3. go on

1) 向前走; 前进

go straight on until you come to a large white building.

一直往前, 直到你到了一所白色的大房子。

2) 继续做

i don't mean to interrupt. please go on.

我并不想打断你, 请你继续说。

3) 进行

we could hardly h**e gone on without your help.

要是没有您的帮助, 我们很难取得进展。

4) 发生

tell me what's going on over there!


5) 上场

she doesn't go on until act two.


6) 打开

the lights went on day and night and it was really a waste.

电灯日夜都亮着, 真是浪费。

7) 过去, 消逝

as time went on, many changes took place in our village.

随着时间的流逝, 我们村发生了很多变化。

8) (用于鼓励)来吧。

4. at the end of在…结尾,在…末端。

5. go back回转, 回顾, 追溯。

6. in a hurry迅速地, 匆忙地。

7. write down写下, 记下。

8. come out

1) 出来

come out and get some fresh air.


2) 说出

he came out with some funny stories.


3) 可去掉

do you think that dirty mark will come out?


4) 出狱; 获释

it's been a long year, but he will come out next friday.

这一年真长啊, 但他下周五要出狱了。

5) 出现

a new model will come out this summer.


6) 开花

the monthly roses will come out soon.


7) 出版; 发表

when will the dictionary come out?


8) 显像

the photographs h**en't come out very well.


9) 结果是…; 得出答案

let me know how the voting comes out.


10) 拒绝工作, 罢工

the coal miners h**e come out for about two weeks.


11) 公开表明(同意或不同意)(经正式介绍)初入社交界。

9. all the year round一年到头。

10. later on以后

11. at times有时, 间或。

12. ring sb. up打**给…..

13. happy new year!

14. h**e a party举行晚会。

15. hold on

1) 等一等, 停一停

hold on for a minute, i've just got to put on my make-up.

等一会儿, 我得化装一下。

2) 抓紧不放

hold on, zhang long!

抓紧, 张龙!

3) (**用语)别挂断,等一下 〈口〉别挂**

he asked me to hold on while he left the telephone to find a pencil.

他让我别挂**, 他去找一枝铅笔。

4) (在困境或危险中)坚持住,挺住

if he can just hold on a little longer, we can get help to him.

如果他能再坚持一会儿, 我们就能使他得到帮助了。

16. hear from收到…的来信(或电报等)

17. be ready准备。

18. at the moment此刻, 现在, 目前, 当时。

19. take out

1) 把…带出去

please take the children out, their noise is ****** my head ache.

请把孩子们领出去, 他们吵得我头痛。

2) 清除, 除掉

there's a nasty mark on the tablecloth, and i don't think the usual washing powder will take it out.

桌布上有一块污迹, 我想用普通洗衣粉是洗不掉的。

3) 获取, 办理

mary and john took out a marriage license.


4) 邀请(某人)外出

he took her out for dinner.


same as与…同样的。

21. turn over

1) (使)翻转; 调转

turn over or your back will get sunburnt.

翻过身去, 不然你的后背要被阳光灼伤的。

2) 仔细考虑

he turned the new idea over in his mind.


3) 移交; 交给

to whom should we turn over the key when we le**e here?

在离开这里时, 我们把钥匙交给谁呢?

4) 变换(电**道)

22. get-together聚会; 联欢会。

23. put on

1) 穿上, 戴上; 把…放在…上

中考英语重点词组总结附中文详解及例句 初三全

初三年级 上 i.重点短语。1.at the moment现在,此时 2.five minutes ago五分钟之前 3.used to过去经常 4.for a while一会儿 5.walk away with sth.带着某物离开 6.le e for some place前往某地 7.soon...


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中考英语考点难点总结 重点动词 短语详解

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