中考英语重点词组总结附中文详解及例句 初三全

发布 2021-06-20 06:53:28 阅读 1538


i. 重点短语。

1. at the moment现在,此时

2. five minutes ago五分钟之前

3. used to过去经常

4. for a while一会儿

5. walk away with sth. 带着某物离开

6. le**e for some place前往某地

7. sooner or later迟早

8. be missing丢失

9. pay for赔偿

10. come up with an idea想到一个办法

11. return . to把…归还给…

12. be abroad 在国外

13. think of想到

14. h**e a try试一试

15. all over the world全世界

16. be famous for因…而著名

17. large numbers of大量的

18. neither… nor… 既不…也不…

19. all the year round一年四季

20. no matter what无论什么

21. for example例如

22. give up放弃

23. make sb. fit使人健康

24. by the way顺便说一下

25. be with sb. 和某人在一起

26. on business出差

27. so far到目前为止

28. come true实现

29. set off出发、动身

30. step into进入

31. slow down减速

32. go on doing继续做某事

33. wait for等候

34. be proud of为…而骄傲

35. speak highly of高度赞扬

36. not only… but also… 不仅…而且…

37. pour… into… 把…倒入…

38. be afraid of害怕

39. a year and a half一年半

40. half a year半年

41. a piece of beautiful music一段优美的**

42. pick up捡起,拾起

43. as soon as一…就…

44. keep… clean保持…干净

45. take care of照顾

46. cut down砍伐

47. something useful有用的事

48. make a contribution to作贡献

49. base on以…为根据

50. make sure弄清楚、查明

51. take away带走

52. begin with以…开始。

41. right now目前、现在

42. as soon as possible尽可能快地

43. be free有空的

44. le**e a message留话

45. take a taxi乘出租车

46. all kinds of things各种各样的东西

47. sleeping car卧铺车厢

48. walk around四处走动

49. talk with sb. 与某人交谈

50. fall asleep睡着

51. wake up醒来、叫醒

52. go on a trip旅行

53. h**e a good time玩的愉快

54. take photos拍照

55. come out冲洗出来(影片)

56. come on加油、赶快

57. h**e a family meeting召开家庭会议

58. talk about谈论…

59. go for a holiday去渡假。

60. go scuba diving去潜水。

61. write down写下, 记下。

62. by oneself单独,独力。

63. walk along沿着…走。

64. get a chance to do sth获得一个机会做。

65. h**e a wonderful time过得很愉快。

66. book a room预订房间。

67. h**e an accident遭受意外。

68. be interested in对…感兴趣。

69. use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事。

70. make a tv show制作一个电视节目。

71. be amazed at对…感到惊讶。

72. take part in参加…, 参与…活动。

73. feed on以…为食,以…为能源。

74. get out of

1) 离开; 下

the meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon.

会开得太晚了, 他想早点离开。

2) 停止; 改掉; 戒掉; 脱离, 摆脱, 克服; 避免做某事

it is not easy to get out of a bad habit.


3) 从…得到, 获得

somehow we h**e to get the information out of him.



i. 重点短语。

1. give up放弃;投降,认输。

2. try out试用; 试验。

3. most of大部分。

4. not…any more不再

5. at the age of在…岁时。

6. at that time在那时。

7. send message by telegraph发电报。

8. graduate from从…毕业。

9. turn down减少; 关小。

10. put up

1) 举起; 抬起

please put up your hand if you h**e any questions.

谁要有问题, 就请举手。

2) 建立; 竖起

they put up many buildings last year.


3) 张贴

we'd better put up a notice here.


4) 投宿; 留宿

we can easily put you up for the night.


5) 提高; 增加

it's necessary to put the wages up on the basis of increasing production.


6) 提供

the millionaire put up a lot of money for the church.


7) 进行

he put up a good fight against his sickness.


8) 提出

here, i'd like to put up an idea for your consideration.


11. at the top of在顶部。

12. get together聚会; 联欢。

13. from house to house挨家挨户地。

14. at the end of在…结尾,在…末端。

15. on top of在…上边, 在…上方。

16. as well也, 还有。

17. climb down

1) 下来, 爬下来

he said he would climb down and help them.


2) 〈非正〉让步, 屈服, 妥协

why do not you climb down and apologize?


18. in a single night在一夜间。

19. even though即使、虽然。

20. live on以…为食; 靠…为生。

21. once upon a time从前。

22. according to (表示依据)根据, 按照。

23. keep warm保暖。

24. on the other hand在另一方面。

25. on show展览,陈列。

26. on display展出。

27. in the future未来。

in future今后。

28. look up

1) 向上看; 抬头看

don't look up.


2) 生意、某人的情况等好转;改善

business is looking up.


3) 拜访(某人)

next time you are in beijing, look me up.

你下次来北京时, 来找我。

4) 查找

please look up a fast train to beijing.


29. tree planting day植树节。

30. just right恰好;正好。

31. as often as possible尽可能多地。

32. wash away

1) 冲走, 清洗

she washed away the stains.


2) 消除

nothing can ever wash away my feeling of responsibility for his death.


33. in this way这样。

34. in a few years' time几年之后。

35. point to显示…的位置〔方向〕

36. thanks to 幸亏, 多亏, 由于

thanks to your help, we were successful.

由于你的帮助, 我们得以成功。

37. more or less差不多, 几乎。

38. so far到目前为止;迄今为止;到这点为止。

39. shut down完全关闭,倒闭,停止运转。

40. send up

1) 发射, 射出;把…向上送; 使向上升

the burning firewood sent up clouds of smoke.


2) 2.毁坏

the whole building was sent up in flames when the petrol exploded.

汽油**时, 整个楼房都被大火烧毁了。

3) 3.使沿…上升, 上行

when the doctor arrives, send him up the stairs, will you?

大夫到后, 让他到楼上来, 好吗?

41. put off

1) 延期,推迟;拖延

they decided to put the meeting off until after christmas.


2) 阻碍做某事

we are going there tomorrow — not even bad weather could put us off.

中考英语重点词组总结附中文详解及例句 初二全

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