
发布 2021-06-11 15:46:28 阅读 5243


阅读题目的正确答案是原文信息的同义改写,多背一些同义替换词,答案更容易被选出来。要看,更要背。加油!part one

eventually ad.=finally, ultimately, in the end, at last终于extent n.=degree, range, scope, dimension indicate程度indicate v.

=show, signify, reveal表明raise v.=elevate, lift, heighten, bring up, breed提升抚养smart a.=clever, bright, elegant聪明精美achieve v.

=reach, attain, accomplishappeal v. n.=request, attractiondisplay =show, exhibit, demonstrateessentiala.

=vital, crucial, critical, indispensable, fundamentalproceed v.=continue, go onreducev.=decrease, lessen, diminishreplace v.

=substitute, displace, changesense n v.=feel, understand, realizeshift n. v.

=change, alter, vary, convert, transform, switch, modifysupply n. v.=stock, provide, furnish, feedclumsy a.

=awkward, unskillfuldoubtful a.=suspicious, questionable, suspect, uncertainincredibly ad.=unbelievably, unlikelyprotect保护v.

=defend, guard, shelter, shield, preserveexception n.=exclusionnaturally ad.=certainly, surely, indeed反义artificiallypersonnel n.

=staff, faculty, crew, workersproperly ad.=appropriately, suitably, correctlywiden v.=broaden, enlarge, extend, expand, stretch反义narrowderive v.

=obtain, gain, get;derive from=originate from, stem from, come fromdiversity n.=variety, multiplicity, restricted, tighten(narrow down)respect v.=honor, regard, admirerecruit v.

=enroll, enlistunsure a.=uncertain, doubtful, yet to be proved, possiblecommunicatev.=convey, transmit, informcompletely ad.

=entirely, utterly, fully, absolutely, perfectly, totallyaspect n.=appearance, look, viewcharacter n.=quality, personality, naturetotal overall, sum up(反义词partial部分的a.

)unconscious a.=unaware, absent-minded, unintentionalanalyze v.=evaluate, studycontribute v.

=donate, provide, givedescribe v.=portray, represent, picture






establish v.=construct, found, erect, build, set up建立。

profession n.=occupation, career, trade职业,行业mission n.=assignment, duty, task任务,使团。

performance n.=act, achievement, accomplishment表演,业绩,执行especially ad.=particularly, primarily, chiefly尤其特别,专门remarkably ad.

=extraordinarily, unusually, surprisingly显著非凡地enhance v.=increase, improve, raise提高,增强hinder v.=prevent, restrain, stop阻碍。

require v.=command, demand, ask需要,规定urge v.=push, drive, insist催促,主张enormous a.

=huge, vast, great巨大的sensitive a.=delicate敏感的。

part two

1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enoughto be important)

and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs andwants)

you seek sth, you try to obtain it.)

is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in everydetail)


way)those who are admired), can erect something as buildings), establish

(very important and great in degree), than praise), compliment(polite and political)

(if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves alot of efforts)

infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot beplanted on it)

something’s large), tremendous(非正式)

same as always, but better than always)


常见同义词替换。eventually终于ad.finally,ultimately,in the end,at last extent程度n.degree,range,scope,dimension indicate表明v.show,signify,reveal raise提升抚养v.elevate...


unit 3写作同义替换。一 本单元知识要点。words and expressions二 words and expressions1.表达人们。1.1用 替换people 123 翻译 人们对成功的因素持不同观点,有人相信勤奋,有人依赖运气。要想获取成功,人们必须从失败中吸取教训。那些害怕失败的...

