
发布 2021-06-07 20:55:28 阅读 8610


mr. zhou is the first teacher in kindergarten. it's also my firstteacher.


at that time, i was very small, like a piece of white *****, youare like a brush, adding color to me. you are like a gardener and i amlike a grass. you fertilize and water me to make me grow.

you arelike a mother to nurture me, make me confident, strong, br**e.


i remember that was when i was in a small class. once, i wentback to my hometown to play. the villagers all asked me, “what doyou write when you go to school in the city?

” i said,'i won't, ih**en't learned yet.'

people laugh that i can't write. i'm so think i'll learn to write, too.





back at school, i told teacher zhou exactly what happened and said, “don't be sad, your idea is very correct, but i told youit's still early to learn to write, you! don't worry. when it's timeto learn to write, the teacher will teach you well.

don't care whatothers say. besides, learning to write early is not good for children'shand development. after listening to the teacher's comfort and truth,i feel much better.


under the care and education of teacher zhou, i am growing uphappily!


until now, i still often think of her, my first teacher---teacherzhou.


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父亲您用手中那把金钥匙打开了我无知孩童的心扉 是您让我学会不放弃让我慢慢在学习中体会到了乐趣 是您让我了解到语文所特有的魅力。您是我人生路上的第一位启蒙老师。下面小编来欣赏关于 我的启蒙老师 的作文吧。我的启蒙老师作文1 他工作很繁忙,每天都伴着月亮回家,他慈祥 和蔼 耐心的讲解教我做人的道理。他只...