
发布 2020-01-09 15:20:28 阅读 8856


insummer, only because i entered junior high school, but also because hardening and significance.


four days of training, we are familiar with the instructor, trainingdays, i slowly found that standing in front of the queue, he is serious,strict, like a meticulous teacher; rest, he is kind, humorous, as if ourbrother;andotherclassescompetition,hispasswordisclear,hisspirit is trembling, never give up, just like one. an air may be the characteristics of soldiers, relaxed, vigorous, strong

will, not light words and defeats.



our instructor is so excellent, he must also want us to be as goodashim,stealthily move my bones and muscles, but the teacher's wordsof"sufferingfromthebitternessofeating,justbeagoodman" kept ringing in my ears. i can't discredit my training is a good opportunity to exercise my perseverance.是的,谢谢您,教官!


yes,thankyou,instructor!thankyou, i am proud of every second i insist on!


after these days of military training, i finally know that militarytrainingisakindoftraining, do things. the school organizes this activity, is to let us knowto overcome difficulties, as long as there is perseverance will be ableto do anything well!


一声声番号,一阵阵步伐。我们踏上了杭四中这块神圣的土地,接受了既艰苦又快乐的军训。烈日下,我们汗如雨下,火辣的阳光并没有使我们屈服,反而点燃了我们磨练的热情 withaloudsignal,of hangzhou no.4 middle school and received both hard h...


我们今天上了一堂特别的课,那就是军训,xx年级组的四个班集合在操场,老师请来了三位解放军叔叔,指导我们军训。weh easpeciallessontoday,three pla uncles to guide our military training.老师将我们四个班分成了三个大班,分别由三位解放...


军训生活曾是许多人的梦想,绿色的军装,嘹亮的歌声,整齐的步伐,兄弟般的战友情对我们都是那么的遥远而又诱人。现在,我参加了军训,穿上迷彩服时的喜悦与兴奋却转眼被军训生活的枯燥乏味淹没,严格的训练,严明的纪律让我有种恍惚,仿佛我真的是一名军人。但是我深知,我离军人的标准还很远 也在这时,我才意识到,军营...