
发布 2021-03-03 09:46:28 阅读 1689


military training life has been the dream of many people. greenmilitary uniform, loud singing, orderly pace, brotherly friendship areso distant and attractive to us. now, i participated in military training,,stricttraining,strictdisciplineletmeh**eakindoftrance,asifiwasreallyasoldier.

, behind it.



我想,也许军训不能教我们谋生的手艺与技巧,也不能给我们带来华丽的光环,但它一定会给我们的生命着上一层亮色,在这种亮色的辉映下,我们的青春在飞扬,在舞动、在升华。under the scorching sun, suntanned faces, countless sweat beadsanduprightmilitaryposturemakeouryouthsolemn;militarytraining teaches us to unite, love and help others; lets us realize theimportance of the collective; more importantly, it lets us these peoplewith poor self-care ability come out of loose comfort and start a newstruggle. journey.

military training cultivates our spirit of hard work,so that we learn to constantly meet new challenges. the in the training process. we all share the joys and sorrowsand work together to make people moved.

i think, perhaps militarytraining can not teach us the skills and skills of ****** a living, norcan it bring us a magnificent aura, but it will certainly give our life abright color, in this bright reflection, our youth is flying, dancing andsublimating.



goal, dozens of hearts began to be closely linked together,asifwealsoregardedourselvesasarealsoldier,withthedignityand pride of the soldier. lonely from home, my heart began to find aharbour to moor. when many of us gather together, the neat slogans,loud songs and long nostalgia become the most beautiful scenery inthe night sky.


inthedaysofmilitarytraining,thefacesfullofvigorwerecrying and laughing together. only because after more than a dozendays of trials and hardships, strong began to squeeze out the fragilespace,changed,butnobodythoughtthatthetimeofmorethanadozendays will le**e such a deep brand on our group of young people, thislingering brand will blossom in every journey of life!


夏天,我度过了一个特别的暑假。说它特别,不仅因为我升入了初中,更因为它临近尾声时的四天军训时光给我带来了从未有过的磨砺和意义。insummer,only because i entered junior high school,but also because hardening and signi...


一声声番号,一阵阵步伐。我们踏上了杭四中这块神圣的土地,接受了既艰苦又快乐的军训。烈日下,我们汗如雨下,火辣的阳光并没有使我们屈服,反而点燃了我们磨练的热情 withaloudsignal,of hangzhou no.4 middle school and received both hard h...


我们今天上了一堂特别的课,那就是军训,xx年级组的四个班集合在操场,老师请来了三位解放军叔叔,指导我们军训。weh easpeciallessontoday,three pla uncles to guide our military training.老师将我们四个班分成了三个大班,分别由三位解放...