
发布 2021-06-04 01:41:28 阅读 3244

第六讲 i used to be afraid of the dark

1.talk about what they used to be like.

he used to be short, but now he is tall.

she used to h**e straight hair.

but now she has curly hair.

now what did you used to be ? can you tell us ?

二.here is a list of things that many people are afraid of. what about yourself? put checks in the blanks.

知识讲解。一、i used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去怕黑。

解析:“used to +动词原形”表过去的习惯或过去经常反**生的动作或状态。

used to be作为动词词组,故其一般疑问句借助动词did放在句首,例如:

you used to be shortdid you use to be short ?


i used to be short.--i didn’t use to be short.

注意区分be used to do doing sth 表示“习惯于做某事”

eg . jim is used to getting up 习惯于早起。


used to __h**e)long hair.

you use to __swim)in the river?

is used to __h**e) breakfast.

二、i used to be afraid of being alone. 过去我常害怕独处。



the old man’s wife died a year ago. he lives alone now, but he never feels lonely.

解析二:be afraid of 害怕……,后面可接名词、代词和动词-ing 形式。

随堂练用alone,lonely 填空。

1) an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair __

2) they live a lonely life in a lonely house in the hills.

3) we are not __we h**e friends all over the world.

4) sarah felt___when her best friend left the town.

5) he livesbut he never feels___

3、i go to sleep with my bedroom light on.

解析:with my bedroom light on是with引导的介词短语,在句中作伴随状语,表示一种状态。


1)he sat downa big smile __his face.

2)i used to do my homeworkthe windows __



1. a couple of days2. look different

2. used to do sth4. wear contact lenses

5. 过去常常是沉默的6.稍等片刻8

7. be terrified of8. 睡觉开着卧室的灯睡觉。

in front of a group10.在游泳队里。


1. she __be very shy, but now she is very outgoing.

used to used to

2.--there didn’t use to be any tall buildings in hometown

--no,but now there are more and more tall buildings.

there there there there

3. amy used to h**e long hairshe?

use to

4. -what do you think of hangzhou city?

--ita lot in the last few years.

changed change

5. what __you __do when you lived in the foreign country?

used to to use use to

6. i’m __the swim team now.

7. -why are you going in such a hurry? -because i’m___about __late for school.

being be being

8. nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it

a. are they b. isn’t itc. is they


1. 莉莉过去常常害怕在众人面前说话。(汉译英)

lilyafraid ofin front of a group.

2. 我对这样的事再也不能够忍受下去了。(汉译英)

ithings like these

3. it seems that she doesn’t get along with her new classmates.(同义句转换)

get along with her new classmates.

4.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿造出来的。 the winegrapes

5. 因为我上学迟到了,老师对我很生气。

my teacherme because ischool.

6. 金庸是一位著名的作家。jin yonga writer.

7. 如果你违反规则,你就会陷入麻烦之中。

you break the rules, you’ll

8. 在我去农场的路上,我看到很多农民在田地里干活。

imany farmersin the fieldto the farm.

9. it’s necessary for the students to listen to the english tapes at home. (同义句转换)

the english tapes at homefor the students.

10. i used to wear wear glasses.(改为否定句)

iwear glasses.


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