英语口语王 乘飞机

发布 2021-05-31 00:06:28 阅读 9089


▼ 达到机场我想取消我去伦敦的航班。 i’d like to cancel my reservation to london. a:

can i help you, sir? 先生,我能为您做点什么? b:

i’d like to cancel my reservation to london. 我想取消我去伦敦的航班。 我想确认一下预约。

i’d like to confirm my reservation. a: i’d like to confirm my reservation.

我想确认一下预约。 b: no problem.

当然可以。 如果可能的话,我想更改一下我预订的机票。 i’d like to change my reservation if possible.

a: what can i do for you? 请问您需要什么帮助?

b: i’d like to change my reservation if possible. 如果可能的话,我想更改一下我预订的机票。

我想乘坐最早的航班。 i’d like to take the first flight **ailable. ◆i only change my flight but not destination.

我只换航班但不更改目的地。 a: i’d like to take the first flight **ailable.

我想乘坐最早的航班。 b: flight 123 le**ing on august 19 at 8:

00 in the morning. 8月19号早8点的123次航班。 什么时候办理登机手续?

what is the check-in time? a: what is the check-in time?

什么时候办理登机手续? b: in thirty minutes.

30分钟后。 能告诉我何时抵达伦敦吗? can you tell me what time we’re arriving in london?

a: can you tell me what time we’re arriving in london? 能告诉我何时抵达伦敦吗?

b: around 12:34.

大约是12:34。 我应该提前几个小时退票?

how many hours in advance should i return the ticket? a: how many hours in advance should i return the ticket?

我应该提前几个小时退票? b: at least three hours before le**ing.

起飞前至少三小时。 我为什么不可以退票? why am i not allowed to return the ticket?

a: these tickets are nonrefundable. 这些机票不可退。

b: why am i not allowed to return the ticket? 我为什么不可以退票?

我可以兑现旅行支票吗? may i cash some tr**eler’s checks? ◆where can i get my tr**eler’s check cashed?

我在**可以将旅行支票换成现金? a: may i cash some tr**eler’s checks?

我可以兑现旅行支票吗? b: sure.

当然。 可以兑多少现金?how much can i cash?

a: how much can i cash? 可以兑多少现金?

b: you can cash any amount. 随便多少都行。

哪一个登机门是飞往纽约的? from which gate does the airplane le**e for new york? a:

from which gate does the airplane le**e for new york? 哪一个登机门是飞往纽约的? b:

tell me the gate number, please. 请告诉我登机门的号码。 这是办理登机手续的地方吗?

is this the right counter to check in for my flight? a: is this the right counter to check in for my flight?

这是办理登机手续的地方吗? b: yes.

may i see your passport, please? 是的。请出示您的护照。


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