英语口语王 爱情 亲情 友情

发布 2021-02-09 19:58:28 阅读 5105



▼ 萌生好感

简很迷人。 jane is a knockout.

=jane is beautiful.

a: jane is a knockout. 简很迷人。

b: i can’t agree with you any more. 我同意。

我想追求她。 i’m trying to make a pass at her.

◆i’m trying to pick her up. 我打算征服她。

◆i’m trying to date with her. 我打算和她约会。

a: she is so elegant. 她很优雅。

b: yes. i’m trying to make a pass at her. 我想追求她。

大卫是个美男子。 d**id is a lady-killer.

◆d**id is a handsome young man. 大卫真英俊。

◆he really turns me on. 他让我神魂颠倒。

◆he is a real *******. 他真是个****。

大卫长得很帅。 d**id is really a heartbreaker.

=d**id breaks a lot of hearts.

=d**id dates a lot of women.

我想我爱上他了。 i think i h**e a crush on him.

◆i fall in love with him. 我爱上他了。

◆i’m crazy about him. 我疯狂地爱上了他。

◆i swept off her feet when i met her.


我不敢打她那种女生的主意。 i can’t handle a girl like her.

◆she’s too much for me. 我”罩不住”她。

a: why don’t you date with her? 你怎么不和她约会呢?

b: i can’t handle a girl like her.


你爱上汤姆了。 you’re in love with tom.

=you’re head over heels for tom.

=you’re crazy about tom.

a: it seems to me you’re in love with tom.


b: that’s not true. we’ve been going out together. that’s all.


他好像喜欢上我了。 he seems to like me.

=i’ve got the feeling he likes me.

=i h**e a hunch he likes me.

a: what are you looking at?


b: look at d**id. he seems to like me.


大卫在追求简。d**id is seeking jane.

a: d**id is seeking jane. 大卫在追求简。

b: no wonder they often h**e lunch together.


我单恋简好几年了。 i’ve been sweet on jane for years.

◆i tumbled for jane the first time i met her.


a: i’ve been sweet on jane for years.我单恋简好几年了。

b: but why did you not ask her to go out?


他深深地爱上了一位美丽的女孩。 he fell for a pretty girl.

a: he fell for a pretty girl.


b: that girl is my classmate.


我没交过男朋友。 i h**e never had a boyfriend.

a: when do you think people normally fall in love?


b: i don’t know. i h**e never had a boyfriend.


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