船舶英语口语 五

发布 2021-05-30 22:37:28 阅读 4419

1. 主要指门窗的安装,地板的铺设,内置式家具的安装和油漆。it refers to installing doors, windows, laying floor covering, fitting built-in furniture, and painting.

2. 为了防止腐蚀,油漆是很重要的,对吗?i n order to prevent hull corrosion, painting is very important, isn’t it?

3. 是的,有很多油漆,有的适合船体水上部分,有的适合于水下部分。quite right, there are many kinds of paint, and some are suitable for above-water use, and some are for underwater.

4. 油漆的涂层有多厚?how thick is the coating film?

5. 这取决于不同种类的油漆。涂层的厚度可能是30,75或者145微米。that depends on the different paint types.

the film thickness may be 30μm, 75μm, or 145μm.(micron meters).

6. 喷漆时对温度有要求吗?are there any requirements for the temperature when painting?

7. 有。通常温度应介于-10c到40c之间,相对湿度应介于50%-80%。也要有好的通风。

sure usually the temperature should be from (minus) -10c to 40c(celsius),and the relative humidity should be between 50% and 80%. good ventilation is also quite necessary.

8. 怎样知道面漆涂层质量是好的?how do you know the finish coating is of good quality?

9. 您可以靠肉眼观察。如果表面光滑,无裂纹,不起泡,一般说是好的。但必须得到检查人员或船东的许可。

you can check the surface by your eyes. if the surface is smooth and there is no crack is no blisters on it, usually the painting is good. but it must be approved by the painting surveyor or the ship owner.

10. 交船前怎样对船体外板进行油漆?before delivering the ship to the owner, how do you paint the shell plating?

11. 一般在干船坞中进行。we will do this in a drydock.

12. 机舱位于什么部位?where is the main engine located?

13. 通常在船艉。usually at the stern of the ship.

14. 这条船上有多少台发电机。how many generators are there are there on board the ship?

15. 四台。其中一台是应急发电机。there are four. one of them is an emergency generator.

16. 这间舱室有怎么多的泵,用在什么上的?there are so many pumps in this room, what are they used for?

17. 它们是燃油泵,润滑油泵,压载水泵,淡水泵,海水泵,和舭部液舱泵等。they are pumps, ballast pumps, fresh water pumps, sea water pumps, and bilge pumps.

18. 泵有几种?how many types of pumps are there?

19. 通常有两种:往复式和离心式。usually there are two types.

one is called the displacement pump and the other is called the centrifugal pump.

20. 为什么需要压缩空气?why do we need compressed air?

21. 在船上主要用于启动主机。it is mainly used on board ship for staring main engines.


1 您好!第一次见面 how do you do?2 您好!见到您很高兴。how do you do?i m very glad to meet you.3 让我来介绍一下在座的各位先生。林先生,我们厂的厂长 王先生,厂长总工 吴先生,船体车间主任。let me introduce the gent...


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