
发布 2021-05-28 17:59:28 阅读 6588

weekend plan

i am going to h**e a busy weekend !

on saturday , i'm going to clean my room and do homework. then , in the evening , i 'm going to the supermaket with my mother . on sunday morning, i'm going to read books.

in the afternoon , i' weekend

my weekend plan

i am going to h**e a busy weekend !

on saturday , i'm going to clean my room and do homework. then , in the evening , i 'm going to the supermaket with my mother . on sunday morning, i'm going to read books.

in the afternoon , i'm going to play football. in the evening ,i`m going to go to bed ealy.

i`m going to h**e a really fantastic weekend. what about you?





weekend weekend plan

i am going to h**e a busy weekend !

on saturday , i'm going to clean my room and do homework. then , in the evening , i 'm going to the supermaket with my mother . on sunday morning, i'm going to read books.

in the afternoon , i'

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