
发布 2021-05-27 04:12:28 阅读 2147

my name is * this year ten years old, in grade four of long south road primary school.

i am a tall, thin handsome boy, white skin, although the eye is not big, but very bright. black short hair and a small mouth a f**orite food. i will laugh when happy, small eyes narrowed into a crack, sad, i will hide tears.

i also know that boy to be strong, but just couldn't help it. i was a caring mother's boy. i'll help her do the housework, will also le**e good food for her.

my f**ourite animal is dog, because it is the most faithful. i h**e a best friend, we often play and study together. we are together the most happy thing is to play computer games, however, we know the time.

i h**e many shortcomings, such as: reading, like to play with toys, operating speed slow, don't love, but i will try to correct them.

i love to make friends, would you like to make friends with me?







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自我介绍 小学生自我介绍作文

小学生自我介绍作文模板。对于小学生而言,自我介绍是十分重要的,那么关于小学生自我介绍的范文有哪些呢?下面百分网为大家整理了小学生自我介绍作文模板,希望大家喜欢。小学生自我介绍作文模板 一 大家好,我叫林耀荣,今年11岁,在神湾中心小学读书,下学期就要四年级了。我想跟大家交个朋友,我先来个自我介绍吧。...


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