
发布 2021-05-25 19:54:28 阅读 8262

1. 主板 main board

2. 手柄 handset

3. 外壳 enclosure

4. 自攻螺钉 self-tapping screws

5. 4p线排 4p ribbon cable with holder

6. 安装使用说明书 installation and operation manual

7. 使用说明书 user’s guide

8. 铭牌 nameplate

9. 塑料胀管木螺钉组合 plug

10. 包装盒box

11. 塑料袋 plastic bag

12. 气泡袋 bubble bag

13. 自封塑料袋 ziplock bag

14. 出口产品包装盒通用标签standard label for export product package

15. 扬声器平压片speaker holder

16. 话筒帽microphone holder

17. 手柄外壳 enclosure of handset

18. 驻极话筒electretcondensermicrophone

19. 垫圈 washer

20. 扬声器 speaker

21. **插座 socket

22. 配重铁counterweight iron

23. 铝电解aluminium electrolysis

24. 贴片电容器smt capacitor

25. 电阻器 resistor

26. 贴片电阻器smt resistor

27. 热敏电阻器 thermal resistance

28. 集成电路integrated circuit

29. 贴片集成电路smt integrated circuit

30. 贴片三极管smt triode

31. 三极管triode

32. 贴片整流二极管smt rectifier diode

33. 贴片开关二极管smt switching diode

34. 发光二极管led

35. 瞬态抑制二极管transient suppression diode

36. 红外发射二极管emitting tube

37. 红外接收二极管receiving tube

38. 间隔柱space post

39. pcb 连接器 pcb connector

40. 滑动开关slide switch

41. 晶体谐振器crystal oscillator

42. 绝缘垫片insulating washer (g1用for g1)

43. 轻触开关 tact switch

44. 微动开关micro switch

45. 线圈**线telephone cable (焊接在xs2上weld on)

46. 印制板 printed board

47. 616mx 单头 626mx one end with socket

48. 压角 holder

49. 包装泡沫 foam

50. 包装盒通用标签 standard label for box

51. 挂板 mounting plate

52. 硅胶干燥剂 silica gel drier

53. 散热器heat sink

54. 稳压二极管 zener diode

55. 旋钮板 knob board

56. 4″彩色液晶屏显示模组 4″color lcd display module

57. 门磁door magnetism

58. 十字槽盘头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组合件 cross recessed pan head screw and spring washer

59. 彩色扁平电缆(一头焊在xs3上,另一头焊在按键板上) color flat cable (one end is welded on xs3, and the other is welded on key board)

60. 液晶模组旋钮板连接线 cable for knobs of lcd module

61. 显示模块旋钮 knob for display module

62. 旋钮板knob board (for rp1,rp2)

63. 挂板 mounting plate

64. 硅胶干燥剂 silica gel drier

65. 包装盒通用标签 common label for box

66. 包装泡沫 foam

67. 液晶模组主板连接线二 cable 2 for main board of lcd module

68. 4″彩色液晶屏显示模组4″color lcd display module

69. 导光柱 light pipe

70. 2p×2 线排2p×2ribbon cable with holder

71. 电源接口板power interface board

72. 外网接口板net interface board

73. 单元接口板 entrance interface board

74. 室外机接口板interface board of entry panel

75. 大压片big holder

76. 压线片patch

77. 瓷介电容器porcelain capacitor

78. 贴片集成电路座smt integrated circuit base

79. 自复熔丝reclosing fuse

80. 贴片发光二极管smt let

81. 电感器inductor

82. 贴片肖特基二极管smt schottky diode

83. 室外机接口板 interface board of entry panel

84. 单元接口板 entrance interface board

85. 分支板二印制板 branch board 2 printed board

86. 主干板印制板 trunk board printed board

87. 6p镀锡线排tinning ribbon cable with holder

88. 熔断器夹 fuse grip

89. 熔断器座 fuse holder

90. 贴片集成电路座smt integrated circuit base

91. 双面胶 double-coated adhesive tape

92. 密封蜡sealing wax

93. 程序烧录programming

94. 绝缘子insulator

95. 印制板 printed board

96. 垫在n4下防止短路placing under n4 to **oid shorting circuit

97. 电缆(分成两段焊在xs9处) cable (dividing it into two halves, welded on xs9)

98. 焊完后用热熔胶封装 welding xs4, and sealing it with hot melt glue

99. 小堵盖small cover

100. ** membrane

101. 预埋盒后盖 back cover of electrical box

102. 对讲门前铃模块英文标签 label for audio doorbell

103. 英文外包装箱1 packing carton 1

104. 背板 backboard

105. 十字槽盘头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组合件cross recessed pan head tapping screw and spring washer

106. eva 压条eva batten

107. 热缩管 hot-shrink tube

108. 电位器potentiometer

109. 塑料套管plastic tube

110. 低粘网纹保护膜 protective film, low viscosity and striate grain

111. 防雨绸rain-proof cloth

112. 压板 pressure plate

113. 话筒垫microphone mat

114. 门前铃气泡袋 bubble bag

115. 金属摄像支架metal bracket for camera

116. 限位挡板。

117. 导光套(柱) light pipe

118. 扁插座 flat socket

119. 黄绿olivine

120. 灰色扁平电缆grey flat cable

121. 母全绝缘端头fully insulated female disconnection

122. 圆型预绝缘端头insulated ring terminals

123. 公预绝缘端头 insulated male disconnection

124. 母预绝缘端头 insulated female disconnection

125. 螺钉组合件screws assemblies

126. 大压片 big holder

127. 检验插for checking

128. 可控硅controlled silicon

129. 桥式整流器bridge rectifier

130. 橡胶套 rubber sleeves

131. 热熔胶棒hot melt stick

132. 尼龙扎带nylon cable ties

133. 衬板lining board

134. 工频电源变压器 industrial frequency power transformer

135. 塑料护套plastic sheath

136. 发光二极管尼龙座套 nylon seat cover for led

137. 限位挡板limit plate

138. 欧式液晶室外机主板 lcd entry panel mainboard

139. 导热硅脂 thermal silicon grease

140. 矽胶片silicone rubber

141. 硅胶 silica gel

142. 光敏电阻器 photosensitive resistor

143. 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉cross recessed countersunk flat head screw

144. 十字槽盘头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组合件cross recessed pan head screw and spring washer

145. 独石电容器monolithic capacitor ( lmc-monolithic capacitor简称mlc,)

146. gst-dj6000欧式主机塑料袋 gst-dj6000 entry panel plastic bag

147. 欧式液晶室外机固定件 fixture for lcd entry panel

148. 欧式数码液晶主面板 front panel of dial entry panel

149. 室外机喇叭支架bracket for speaker of entry panel

150. 室外机反光棱镜prism of entry panel

151. 室外机灯罩支架 bracket for lampshade of entry panel

152. 室外机摄像架camera rack for entry panel

153. 欧式机补光灯罩 light compensation shade

154. 室外机触动开关固定件 fixture for tact switch

排阻resistor network

高频电源变压器high frequency transformer

pcb连接器pcb connector

插针pin扁插头flat plug


波动开关:code switch


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