变电站transformer substation/substation
输电线路transmission lines
用户 consumer
制药厂 pharmaceutical factory
机械制造厂 machine manufactory
接线 wiring
倒闸操作switch-over operation
主变main transformer
升压变step-up transformer
降压变step-down transformer
升压站booster (feeding) station
有载调压变压器: transformer fitted with oltc(on-load tap-changer)
电动机 motor
继电器保护 relay protection
火力发电厂 thermal power plant(fossil- fired power plant)
电磁感应原理 electromagnetic induction principle
定子线圈(绕组)stator winding
磁场magnetic field
三相交流电three phase ac
检修工作票maintenance work permit
监盘定位制度system of monitoring operation terminals and fixed positions
巡回检查制度 (itinerant) walking-down and inspection system
设备切换制度 equipment switch-over(change-over) system
单母分段single bus section
双母接线double bus-bar wiring
单元接线unit wiring
出线电压output voltage
中性点neutral point
无载调压:no-load tap-changer
备用电源stand-by power supply
架空线overhead wire
厂用电源 auxiliary power source
柴油发电机组diesel generator unit
一次接线primary wiring
接地刀闸earthing disconnector
拆 dismantle
控制回路control loop
电压互感器pt vt(potential transformer/voltage transformer)
电流互感器 ct(current transformer)
手车式(推拉式)开关 drawable circuit breaker
送电范围power transmission scope
操作票operation permit
发令时间issued time
单人操作single operator operation
同步电机synchronous motor
定子绕组stator winding
定子铁芯 stator iron core
转子铁芯rotor iron core
转子绕组rotor winding
支持瓷瓶support porcelain bottle
同步发电机 synchronous generator
原动机 engine(prime mover)
励磁电流excitation current
磁力线magnetic force line
电磁感应原理electromagnetic induction principle
电动势electricmotive force(emf
封闭循环空气冷却enclosed circulating air cooling
无刷励磁brushless excitation
同轴无刷励磁机coaxial brushless exciter
永磁副励磁机permanent magnetic standby exciter
绝缘漆insulated paint
自动励磁电压automatic excitation voltage regulator 短路 short-circuit
铝压圈aluminum pressed ring
不锈钢分块齿压板stainless steel block tooth sole plate
穿心螺杆through-core screw rod
鼠笼式结构squirrel-cage structure
立式支撑结构vertical support structure
玻璃纤维glass fiber
锥环conical ring
定子线棒stator winding rod
滑移层slipping layer
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